
Mar 17, 2017
Waco, Tx
Hey all,

My Drake, Emelio, has been going after one of my chickens- Lucy. His wife has decided to go broody, and our two other female ducks he refuses to even acknowledge- no matter how many times they throw themselves at him (and they are pretty promiscuous!).
He will not go after any of my other chickens, just Lucy. And he only does this in the spring/ early summer months! Any way, besides physically separating them, that I can block him? I need like a chastity belt! Or like a duck athletic cup!
Good luck with those 2 if you do come up with something though you might make a ton of money selling them. Your drake ever actually mates with your chicken most likely it will kill her, So he needs his own pen with the female ducks so he learns to like them or pen up your chickens. Really no other way to keep Lucy safe.
Put him in drake jail.
If it were me, I would consider adding more duck hens to keep him occupied and separate the ducks from the chickens. Are the ducks all the same or different breeds?
Keep him away from your chickens like @misslydia said it could be detrimental. Drakes have penises that are not meant for a chicken.
Good luck with those 2 if you do come up with something though you might make a ton of money selling them. Your drake ever actually mates with your chicken most likely it will kill her, So he needs his own pen with the female ducks so he learns to like them or pen up your chickens. Really no other way to keep Lucy safe.
Darn! That’s what I did last year, and it was such a hassle because Emilio just cried and cried in the run with his ladies! My chickens are all little escape artists, so they refuse to do anything but free-range

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