Duck confussion


Aug 3, 2015
I have 3 ducks. 1 Crested grey & white pekin & 2 white pekins that are non crested. They were born April 22,2015 so they're just a lil over 3 months now. I've tried to figure out tha sex of each one by using various of methods, except tha venting method, I'm in search of some other possible ideas that I may have overlooked..

Tha 2 non crested ducks are both tha same size, HUGE if ya ask us! Both of them are very quiet & hardly make any noise at all but when they do, they're VERY LOUD! Neither of them have any yellow feathers anywhere, no patches or spots on their beaks or feet, no signs of any possible drake feathers. Our crested pekin is tha runt of tha bunch & seems ta rule tha trio. We call that one Pebbles. Pebbles is VERY Demanding when it comes to obtaining affection & attention. Pebbles refuses to start or end tha day w/o bein picked up, cuddled & talked to first. Pebbles is SUPER LOUD & EXTREMELY VOCAL ALL THA TIME!! A few wks ago one of my daughters & I noticed that Pebbles started to raise her tail up super high while we pet her & gave her attention. We also noticed a creamy clearish white discharge comin from her rectum each time we do this. Our first thoughts were semen, that's exactly what it looks like to all of us who've witnessed this discharge. Pebbles doesn't have any signs of drake feathers either. This afternoon while I was workin in tha back yard, all 3 ducks were in their pool, as I looked over Pebbles, tha crested pekin runt, was on top of one of the huge white pekins, clearly tryin to mate w it as there was neck biting & attempts to rub rumps while riding piggy back.

Is it possible that our Pebbles is a Drake?
Do hens & Drakes both do tha horny mating ritual or is that primarily done by tha drakes?
Will a hen attempt to mate with another hen if a Drake is not around?

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