Duck Contest Time!


9 Years
Aug 20, 2010
Okay, so these are the rules.

1. Your entry must include a photo, gender, breed, name, age, but you can post extras too.

2. You can enter more than 1 duck.

3. It doesn't matter if it is a duckling, drake or hen.

4. Have fun!

Contest ends Sept. 30

Also, there will be 3 winners in each catagory listed; Funniest, Cutest, and Best Represenative of Breed.
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Age unknown he was a rescue from Carolina Waterfowl Rescue im guessing around 2
He is a Giant baby, he loves to follow us around and is always talking !
This is Sunny, my 4 month old Pekin DRAKE


Here is a picture of Sunny about a week ago, just after he finished playing in the ditch after a big rain.


Here he is when he was younger, and I took him for his first walk on the harness/leash


Breed: Pekin
Name: Sunshine (Sunny)
age: 4 months old

Sunny is still YELLOW even though he is fully grown. He lives in the house most of the time, but is slowly being introduced to living outside with the other Pekins (his moms and dad). Because he lives in the house, he is still mostly yellow. As he is exposed to the sun more, he will eventually turn white. For now though I love his coloring. I wish he could stay that way.

Sunny was hatched in an incubator at an elementary school (from my duck eggs). He hatched four days early and was the only one that hatched out of two dozen eggs. The incubator had serious problems with temp and humidity. It is a miracle that Sunny hatched and survived. He came home with me and lived in a brooder for a few weeks, then graduated to an enormous wire dog crate. I started taking him outside for a few hours at a time, but he mostly lived in the house, as he was used to air condition and I didn't want to put him outside in the 100+ degree heat of our lovely Florida summer. Now that it has been a little bit cooler, he is spending more time outdoors with his family. Soon, he will be a totally outdoor duck. For now, he still lives in the house part time.

When Sunny was less than a month old, he traveled to school several times and visited children's classes with me. He went to 2nd grade, kindergarten, and pre-school. The children loved holding and petting him as they asked all kinds of questions and learned about ducks. Sunny was a wonderful role model and taught the kids alot!! He loved it too.

Submitted by Kathy Bahr, Merritt Island, FL
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This is Rocky. He is a 1 1/2 year old Muscovy Drake and proud father to my two clutches of babies with his mate, Cocoa.


Rocky is a really good daddy and watches over Cocoa when she is on the nest. I love his unusual color pattern.

Submitted by Kathy Bahr, Merritt Island, FL
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Here is my wonderful trio.
White Bantam Mallards.
All three will be 12 months old this month.


(From left to right) Sheldon (duck) Scuba (drake) Mranson (drake)
They all have such different personalities:
Sheldon is the 'special' one. She is somewhat smaller than the others and as a duckling had difficulty keeping up with the boys. Often chooses to paddle in the dogs waterbowl instead of the pond. She has hatched out 14 ducklings for me and has been an excellent mother. She is always telling stories, and loudly.
Scuba is the boss. Friendly, and inquisitive but somewhat territorial when it comes to his flock. If you are out in the yard he is right there with you. He seems to only want to know 2 things, what are you doing? And do you have any peas?
Mranson, he's a snobby one. Very docile but does not like cuddles. Sometimes appears to be planning a sneak attack, but never follows through... Very lovely bird to look at when he's cruising the pond, very elegant.





*edited to add just a few more pics, incase you weren't already convinced
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I live in Merritt island too!!!

Hi Big Dreamer! What kind of ducks do you have and how many? Are you interested in more? LOL I have two drakes (Muscovy) that need homes, as I have way too many drakes. They both have Angel Wing, so they need to be with someone who has a place to keep them that they cannot be attacked by predators. They can't fly.

I live on North Merritt Island, approx. 6 miles north of the barge canal. That is so cool to find someone else that lives here.


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