Duck dry heaving??


Aug 27, 2020
My Black Swedish just randomly started doing this right now. Is it because I put fresh straw down and they keep burying their heads in it? What do I do?

My ducks do this often, usually after swimming. It seems to be them trying to clear water from their ears, as far as I can figure. It doesn't last long. Is your duck still doing it?
My ducks do this often, usually after swimming. It seems to be them trying to clear water from their ears, as far as I can figure. It doesn't last long. Is your duck still doing it?

She's not still doing it. I checked on her multiple times last night to make sure she was okay.
I agree with Orca, ducks will do that occasionally, most frequently right after bathing. If they're not doing it regularly, I wouldn't worry.
One of my girls would do that after big underwater zoomies in their pool. If she just casually boated around on the surface or even did some head dunks she'd be fine but if she dove and swam around under water she'd be doing the gasping thing for several minutes once she was all finished her zooms. It worried me at first (gasping!? Something stuck in her throat!? Gapeworms!?) but when I noticed it was a very specific pattern and that she always managed to work it out on her own - whatever it was - I figured it was okay.

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