Duck Egg Candling diary


6 Years
Sep 1, 2013
An overachiever it's only been 12 hours.

Sure, why not! I'll follow this thread. Going to set some duck eggs in the incubator in the morning myself. Good luck!
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The hen I'm sure is a Rouen the drake I'm not sure of, looks like he is a cross between a couple of breeds. Here is a pic of them.
We hatched them out from eggs we bought last year, the adds just said "farm duck" hatching eggs. I'm still going back and forth on ordering some call duck eggs to hatch out. I am really wanting to get Wood ducks, Mandarins, Pintail and Teal ( I have state and federal game farm permits) but can't find hatching eggs for those anywhere and I'm not really keen on purchasing and shipping of juvenile/adult birds.

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