duck egg turning blue. . . .under broody duck

Don't disturb her. Someone told me to take the ducklings away that my broody hatched last month so i did thinking it was the best and that she would then be able to concentrate but when i went out in the morning, the final 4 eggs were cold. My bf opened them up and one had gotten through the air sac and was about to hatch maybe and the rest looked close tool Still kick myself about that mistake but what's worse is that England has shocking weather and its been so cold that 2 of the 4 hatched ducklings died earlier this week. Horrible to think but they were a lot smaller than the 2 that are alive and they are just thriving outside.

Your baby is adorable!
as for the breed i have no idea but the duck is so pretty also :) Congratulations on baby number 1!

I have eggs incubating now and its only day 9! I'm sooooo impatient!!!
Don't disturb her. Someone told me to take the ducklings away that my broody hatched last month so i did thinking it was the best and that she would then be able to concentrate but when i went out in the morning, the final 4 eggs were cold. My bf opened them up and one had gotten through the air sac and was about to hatch maybe and the rest looked close tool Still kick myself about that mistake but what's worse is that England has shocking weather and its been so cold that 2 of the 4 hatched ducklings died earlier this week. Horrible to think but they were a lot smaller than the 2 that are alive and they are just thriving outside.

Your baby is adorable!
as for the breed i have no idea but the duck is so pretty also :) Congratulations on baby number 1!

I have eggs incubating now and its only day 9! I'm sooooo impatient!!!

I am having a patience issue too. I keep going to the coop & puttering around just to peak at the baby & eggs. She is sitting her eggs & taking care of the baby so I think all is well. I will let this go for awhile since these are mutt ducks. The father was a pekin & mothers could be pekin, khaki campbell or muscovy. My duck was all alone & without going into the long story she is raising her new friend (hopefully friends)
If one of the eggs is part muscovy they seem to have about a week longer hatch time.
So sorry for you losses. That must have been heart-breaking. It is so hard to know what is right, especially for me being new into ducks.
Good luck on you new hatch---what kind are you hatching?
It was horrible as I'm new to ducks too! Haven't had the most success tbh. In the incubator I have chocolate, apricot and a mixture of coloured call duck. I just wanna play with them! Just have incubator ready just in case she leaves. What happened with the blue egg?
It was horrible as I'm new to ducks too! Haven't had the most success tbh. In the incubator I have chocolate, apricot and a mixture of coloured call duck. I just wanna play with them! Just have incubator ready just in case she leaves. What happened with the blue egg?
I went to take it out because all the information I received lead me to believe it is a dead egg. I didn't get it because she got so upset I thought she was gonna step on the baby. I decided to wait and not get her upset or at least wait until the baby is safely away from the nest.
I am just in love with this little one.
Congrats on your hatch...... right now i have 7 eggs in my incubator and my khaki campbell has been sitting on some in their duck pen.....hope more of you eggs hatch
Congrats on your hatch...... right now i have 7 eggs in my incubator and my khaki campbell has been sitting on some in their duck pen.....hope more of you eggs hatch
Yesterday she stopped sitting on the eggs. I pulled them and later broke them (inside a heavy duty zip lock bag) and they were all duds. All four other eggs were kinda liquid

Good luck on your hatch.
This story started with a very sad and lonely duck (her sister was killed) and now I can end it with a very happy Mommy duck. We only hatched one duckling (out of 5 eggs) but it only took one to make her a very happy duck. Many thanks to everyone who listened, advised, and cared to help me.


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