Duck Eggs and when to eat them

I read that if you take a bowl of cool water and put in your eggs to check for freshness...
Any floaters are bad, the ones that stay on the bottom or stand up are perfectly fine.
yes I have done that is the past with eggs from the supermarket that were "out of date". I ate those three eggs and I wasn't ill though luckily
So are we basically saying if it's not stinky/doesn't float then it's ok? My ducks just started laying and I'm having trouble finding the eggs. They are 24/7 free range. So when I do find one I have no idea how long its been there. I want to eat the eggs but I don't want to get sick! It's really hot (90sF) outside, and one was laid in their pond which I needed to clean out. Argh i've waited months for these first eggs and now i'm terrified to eat them!

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