Duck hearts?

featherlfull us

In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 19, 2012
Hi! I have a few duck eggs. Most died and I want to know why. I candled them at day 5 and they had veins but in the middle where the heart is supposed to form there was nothing...The veins didn't even meet up in the middle, it looked like they were just floating around inside the egg. I found this strange.
The next day I candled again. This time there was nothing, not even veins... It looked like an egg at day 1. At day 7 there was just a tiny black smudge. No veins. No movement. It wasn't growing it just floated there...
Can anyone tell me what this is? And how can I prevent it from happening again?
Such a loss...
Isn't there supposed to be a heart? The veins keep growing everyday but there is no sign of a beating heart...The one I have in the incubator now is the same...Lots of veins but no heart in the middle, just a clear circle, but the veins get more by the day...
We followed the same steps with the one I had in the incubator...Tiny black smudge. No movement at all and he's not growing...I guess my one duckling(who did have a beating heart) will be an only child...
So, just wanted to say, we successfully hatched, out of 30 eggs, no chicks.
Our "amazing" icubator somehow turned up the temp to 40 C we only got it as low as 38 but it didn't work out.
Where are good places to buy ducklings? I live in South Africa, Metzers isn't going to work since I only want 2.

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