duck eggs starting to hatch what next !!!!! ducks sharing a nest

Even if you have a large dog crate or some way to hang up a temp fence?....Give each some ducklings and wait 24 hours before letting her go with her Ducklings..That way they know who mom is....
ya I can just run some more fence in there and make a couple 10x10 spots that way they can see each other and be close. Ive got it in 3 sections now but can easily make it 4 :)
we just noticed the shells craking and falling apart yesterday evening, not sure how long its been since they started but it shouldnt be to much longer you think ? mybe another day ?
Pick one hen to get the first hatchlings and move them to your temp set up..Leave the other to continue hatching..They won't care who gets what or how many?...I would aim for three for the first moved Momma and the rest for the remaining Hen....Congrats...I'm excited too...:wee
4 out of 5 hatched today while we were at work :) I tried to split them in the pen when I got home but they were not having it so I let them back together and everything seems fine. all the other ducks dont really care as long as they are close by but these 2 cant do anything without the other. very exciting! my youngest son asked if he could sleep outside with them haha
It's pretty amazing the difference in these ducks and all the others we have had. first, we had ordered 6 ducklings and we raised them and ended up giving 3 to a friend and replaced those 3 with 3 more from tractor supply because they were so darn cute but what I'm getting at is they were all raised by us in a brooder.
These little ducklings amaze me as to how much more advanced they are than they others we raised. I guess it only makes sense a duck could raise a duck better but I never really thought about it I guess. these little 3 day old ducklings already are foraging and preening like their moms. all supervised of course and only for a few minutes but when we let them run around this morning but it was so cute. mom took them for a dip in the pool. pecked around for bugs. this is the first morning the 2 hens have wanted out, they were waiting at the gate with their little crew.
It's pretty awesome to see our babies with such great motherly qualities.

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