Duck enclosure needs


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
I've been thinking lately, I really need to get on to building a duck house. They're already 5 weeks. Man how time flies.

I've been dragging my feet, simply, because I honestly have no clue where to start.

I've been looking at ideas, for 5 weeks now, I can't find anything perfect, or something that screams "MEEEE." I think that's just me being picky though.

I thought about an extra large dog house, but I have 4 Muscovies, and knowing that they get 10+ lbs, I want something they can move around in and stretch in. I want the best for them, while staying cheap.

I've looked into getting a shed, yeah, not gonna happen. Not only can I find something on the smaller side, it's a tad bit out of my price range.

I've found an idea in a magazine. It even shows how to build it
The downfall. it's too big. It' 12' x 10' And while I'd love to have something big for my ducks, it's just not possible at the moment. I'm looking into trying t downsize it, but it's hard when I don't know what the minimum for a duck/Muscovy should be.

Maybe I'm just putting too much thought into the house, and making it more complicated than it really is. I just want my ducks to be happy, not cramped, have space to move about, without it taking up all the yard space we have.

Now for my question:

1.) What should duck enclosures have? (Specifically talking Muscovy enclosure)
-measurement wise?
-What kind of locks?
- Easy cleaning?

Here's what I have to work with:
I live in the city, so I don't have a huge yard. I can post pics of my yard to show, if that would help. I can't use all of it, as my Dad has a garden, and we have a cornhole area. I also have 2 dogs who like to run in the yard, so I must still have room for them.

I'm looking to build a house (mainly for at night) as well as a run. So they can be out whenever they want, when no one is home.

Any help would be super duper appreciated! Sorry for such a long post, but if you read the whole entire thing, you are the greatest!!!
If, and that's a big if, I did my math right.

I found something on my house, 0.21 is equal to 9150 sq ft. My house is 1508 sq ft, which would leave 7642 sq ft, most of that being in my back yard, since we don't have too much of a front yard.
And how much of that yard is yours to use for the ducks?
We really haven't set how much they can use, as we're seeing what sizes the ducks would need. I good use a good portion of the yard.

My parents don't care as long as the ducks get their needs, room to spread their wings, a pool, feed station, house etc. I'm thinking 8'-10' long total (house and run) would be good, and still have room for the dogs.
If you could post some pics of the backyard, that would be great. Sometimes having a few pairs of eyes look at it, its easier to visualize the space you are working with. Also, and VERY realistic budget for your ducks would help with ideas! I'll be waiting
Outside the back gate

From left side of patio

From the edge of the pond

My back against the back of our fence

My back against the side fence

There's another smaller section, but that's our cornhole/ladder golf section.
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