Duck Feathers


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 11, 2014
I have a mallard duck who was sitting on her nest and was attacked by a fox, he tore her eye out and some of her feathers, i notice her feathers are starting to grow back, i let her out with the rest of the ducks and she wont swim in water, she stays around the ponds edge, is this normal because of the missing feathers? and has anyone else had a duck survive without being able to see out of both eyes?
Could you tell us how long ago this was? What treatment you have used and are using for her wounds? Have you checked for puncture wounds including around the vent and under then wing?

Is she is a safe place now? Ducks that have been traumatized need time to adjust, and losing an eye can be quite traumatic, to say nothing of a fox attack.
The attack was 12 days ago.I cleaned her eye and applied antibiotic ointment and it is now looking like it is almost closed completely like grown over.the fox ripped out a few feathers under her wing and on her back, those areas were never bloody wounds but i also cleaned the areas and treated with antibitic ointment and they are now showing black in the skin, the new feathers are starting to grow back there. I let her out with the rest of the gang today to see how well she would be out of the the cage since the attack but she appeared to be cold and wet this evening, she walks off to the water but then comes back in and hangs out at the waters edge, i'm wondering if it is because of her missing feathers? she is now in my shed with food and water and some shavings so she can be safe for the night and warm. any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Do you suppose she could have developed an internal infection from the wounds? In that case, she would need oral antibiotics. Ducks can hide sickness very well. If there is any possibility of getting a vet to help, I would seriously consider it.

Otherwise, you may want to think about whether she may have a systemic infection, and get her on something like penicillin or Tylan or Duramycin. I am not a vet or antibiotics expert. Just have heard of those being used.
I have treated her 7 days with oral pencillin, should i continue to treat her with it orally for a while longer ?
I might give her another 3 days - again, a vet would know more.

Also, have you given her probiotics? Their stomachs can get upset like ours.

She may just be still traumatized and having a hard time adjusting. Making her feel safe and not pushing her are what I would try to do, in addition to trying to make sure any wounds or after-effects are treated.

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