Duck Gender?


Easily distracted by Chickens
5 Years
Jun 3, 2016
Lewiston NY
Hi there, I have a couple of khakis (5) That are four weeks old and just starting to grow feathers. Ugly lil' things they are now but anyways i noticed that one of them had a little quack at the end of it's chirp. Now i've heard that normally it the hens the quack and the drakes that have the raspy quack. But at this age? I did some experimenting and took her/his buddies away. Her chirp went into a full-on quack which is making me think its a hen..? Could i be right? Do ducks quack this young..? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Yes, my one of my Khaki hens quacked at that age. When they get their new feathers on their backs right above the tail feathers we should be able to help you with genders, just post the pics.
I got three Ducklings in exchange for some Chickens...
A crested Pekin, a Rouen and a cross of some type?....They are all 4 weeks...Last night when I had to catch them to put them in the coop the Pekin and the Rouen both Quacked like I was killing them...I am thinking I also have two Hens?...Could still be too early?....I have my fingers crossed they are Hens.....:fl
If it quacks, it's a hen. @chickens really... If you want to avoid the bloody murder act each night, I kept my mine in the pen for a few days, feeding them at same time morning and evening. Then the day you let them out, a very light feeding in the morning and a big feeding at night. I also shake the tub of food and call to them as I am walking to the pen. They all come running.
Sorry, not my first Ducks.....Anyways they have not learned the ramp yet...The others go to bed just fine...These Ducklings were hatched and raised by their Momma out on a pond....Not hand raised....Yes....I know Hens Quack...Young Ducklings though can trick you before they really find their voice.....

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