Duck/Goose Bonding with Humans??


In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2015
I have 2 domestic ducks (Cayuga cross and Swedish cross) and an Emden goose. They are about 9 weeks old. I've had them since 3 days old. I have spent a lot of time with these little ones. Holding them, talking to them, water/splash time, just sitting in their area while they walk around me. The ducks have always been very skittish and nervous. They run away from me and want nothing to do with me. My goose earlier on would follow me around like I was the mama but now it also prefers to keep a distance. I'm feeling frustrated because I was hoping they would be more bonded with me. I figured I would see what others had to say about this. Maybe share some of your experiences with your ducks and geese. Is this normal duck and goose behaviour? I had hoped they would greet me with excitement but instead they run away. Should I continue trying to catch them or leave them alone? Yesterday I tried to take my goose for a walk around the yard and it just did its own thing. He wanted nothing to do with me and then was difficult to catch and put away for the night. One thing that caught me off guard though was as I was sitting on the lawn watching it eat some weeds one of our barn cats approached and my goose began hissing at the cat. It has never hissed at myself or my kids. So would that be an indication that the goose is obviously comfortable with us but prefers space?? I was just really hoping these 3 would be more accepting of affection!!
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Food. I use treats to win my birds over. Start by tossing it their direction, then slowly put it closer and closer to yourself. Soon enough they will come to you looking for the goodies. They will lose their fear of you, and see you as the bearer of awesome gifts. I can't even walk for the mail without a trail of birds behind me.

A bird sees any cat as a threat, it's just telling it to keep it's distance. :)

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