
Nov 1, 2020
Ontario, Canada
I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to buy Butterscotch Call ducks or Apricot Trout Runner ducks in Canada?
I would like to get some hatching eggs or day old/close to ducklings if possible

I’ve googled about the breeds and would like to learn more, and have some of my own some day!
Any information I would be grateful for, thank you!
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Still haven’t found any yet? I know Butterscotch Calls are real hard to come by and I’ve never even heard of a apricot trout runner. Both appear to be rather rare colors so I wish you best of luck. I have some calls right now and even more common colors were hard to come by. Does Canada have Craigslist? I’ve found many ducks off of that. You could also check eBay for hatching eggs-I’ve seen them all over that. Especially rarer eggs
Not yet, no! But hopefully sometime soon :)
They do seem difficult to find, I missed my chance twice but regret not just getting them haha. Thank you though, I appreciate it!
I haven’t actually checked those two sites, only kijiji, but I’m totally going to check now! Thank you!!
Did you have any luck finding any breeders of call ducks in canada? I would like to know I'm on a waiting list so I can prepare for the date they come. Thanks in advance.
Hello, unfortunately I haven’t, not for call ducks at least. I’m still looking around. Still hoping to get some beautiful colours! I bid you luck too though, sorry I couldn’t be more helpful!
Quite all right. I didn't think it would be so hard to find even white ones at breeders in canada. Guess I will have to watch kijiji in the spring. Thanks for the quick response
Yeah I didn’t think so either! I got my calls from kijiji as well, I do actually have white ones! 3 drakes 1 hen, although if I let them breed my other hens they won’t be pure whites. I’m not even sure if they’re a full white themselves 🤔
(They had lots of pretty colours!)

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