duck ID questionscently got some ducklings from a


Crow's Nest
10 Years
May 13, 2009
Central MO
I recently got some ducklings from a hatchery, the list of possible breeds included Pekins. Since the duckling I choose what comepletely yellow with no markings I assumed that the baby I chose was a Pekin. Now that she is feathering out some I see some black markings in her feathers. I thought all Pekins were white? Could this be a different breed? Or do they go through a phase of looking different before feathering out all white? I have no good or bad feelings about it either way - I just wanted some ducky cuteness around the yard. Tell me what you think.....





My other question was about a possible crested ducking I have. I got home to find that one of the Blue Swedish babies I picked out has a little "ball" of sticking up feathers on the back of his head. If it's a crest it's very small, but I would be thrilled none the less. I have wanted a crested duck, but haven't seen any for sale in my area, how lucky would that be?! But, it's just a bit of fuzz, so I am not sure if it even IS a crest. Here he is......




Not a pekin... She'd have an orange bill and orange feet (yellow bill as a duckling). I bet she's gonna be cute once she feathers in!! And yes, that's a crest
My guess would be a silver appleyard. Once she gets feathered out completely, she'll be gorgeous!!!
Actually I think you have a female welsh harlequin, my little female looked JUST like that. Right down to the dark beak and funky dark feathers on her back.
Thanks - you guys are awesome!!!! Appreciate the help because I am new to ducks this year. I am loving them though! We are in the process of digging these cuties a small play pond, and we have already had them in it a time or two - when it wasn't rainy and cold. I am loving them so far!

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