Duck keeps falling over

Also, just a thought, how are her feet? It doesn’t sound exactly like bumble foot, but it’s still worth checking.
Her feet look good. She is completely normal and you cant tell theres anything wrong with her when shes in the pond swimming. Just when shes walking
I'm having the same issues with my 2 month old duck. I got them about 6 weeks ago and he was fine up until 5-6 days ago and he can't even walk every time he takes a step he falls over on his back and can't get up. The vet says without doing blood that she thinks it's calcium defiency but everyday he seems worse. I got the medicine but I don't know if it's helping. It's liquid form but some of it falls out of his mouth. I would rather give a shot then I'd know he's getting the medication.
Put it into some yummy treats like dried meal worms or thawed peas even on top of some water melon. Just enough treat he gobbles it up. I would also pick up some B Complex liquid niacin deficiency can also cause lameness you can get it at most any store that sells vitamins Walmart has it Human 1 ML daily

Put it into some yummy treats like dried meal worms or thawed peas even on top of some water melon. Just enough treat he gobbles it up. I would also pick up some B Complex liquid niacin deficiency can also cause lameness you can get it at most any store that sells vitamins Walmart has it Human 1 ML daily

I'm beside myself I lost one of the best ducks my companion I'll ever know about 2 months ago. I started off with Daryl and Carol duck and something attack Carol and I couldn't save her. Some people don't understand the attachment I had for her but after losing my grandma she was the only one that made my heart feel whole again. She greeted me everyday was excited to see me every time I went outside she ran to me like I feel she had the same feelings towards me and it kills me everyday that she's gone. My Daryl duck that was her mate stopped eating drinking everything until I got these 2 new ones and now my heart hurts so much for lucielle that's my baby that falls to her back. I'm keeping her inside to keep an eye on her but I have work m-f 8-6 and it hurts that I can't be with her 24-7 to make sure she's ok and eating. Has anyone had this problem and if I keep giving her the medicine and get her the niacin how long before I should see a change improvement ?
I know it won't be over night that lucielle will feel better. It is crazy to me that lucielle was fine everyday night and then one morning I go let them out and she can't walk and it started getting worse everyday like out of the blue doing fine then bam.
Trying the niacin and what the vet is giving her can at least rule these to deficiency’s out so try them.Usually with the BComplex it seems to work pretty fast maybe a week maybe longer.Cant say for sure but def worth a try:hugs So sorry about Carol.​

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