duck laying multiple eggs each day?

Pipit, believe me I trust your sincerity. But your story goes that both times your egg bounty was found, it was dear Hubby and dear Hubby alone that found them. All the same color and size and I'm betting all clean. It's just my theory that dear hubby knowing how excited you'd be if your ducks began laying, wanted to witness that excitement. If not him, than someone else. If no one is pulling a prank on you, I'd like to order eggs from you please
I tend to lean towards someone playing a prank on you too. I have had many breeds of ducks for many years and have never heard of one that lays more than once a day. Some don't even lay that often. I would be asking hubby if he was not pranking you I think.
I wasn't going to go there, but yes, that was my first thought. I pulled that prank on my neighbors once, and have been awaiting payback ever since!
No, my husband doesn't do pranks. He's in a wheelchair and is far too busy keeping up with the critters to play pranks. Besides, none of the neighbors have ducks and we don't know anyone else with ducks. The eggs have a much smoother shell than chicken eggs and they do feel more waxy. I broke some open and they were harder to crack and the membranes were thicker than chicken egg membranes, not as tough as turkey eggs, though. The yolk seemed big compared with the white, too. I just came in from getting the ducks in for the night and I thoroughly checked the house. No eggs since I took out the ones that were in there. I'll get up early tomorrow and check it out before my husband. But, that just isn't his style, to pull a prank like that. He doesn't even think like that. We've been married 28 years and he's NEVER pulled a prank since I've known him.
My husband doesn't do pranks either....

One morning I found a "gold" egg in a nesting box. My first though was my kids, then neighbors, but when my husband got home from work it turned out he was the guilty party!
Better than checking before him, go into the fridge and use a sharpie to put a small black dot on the end of every duck egg in there. Don't tell him. See if the 5 eggs your duck lays tomorrow and he finds miraculously have a black dot on the end.
Hmmmm Odd
. I have been raising duck's for about 6 years.I always kept count on my adult hen's and usualy got Less egg's than hen's especialy summer. Hehe I know all about prankster's a friend got a couple goose egg's from me once to slip under her 14 yr old son's 2 newly laying jersey giant's once!
. I know sad But Priceless!
I have heard of a few ducks that lay two eggs per day for extended periods, usually Pekins. Several of mine have laid two in a day a few times, but then no egg the next day. I think I have heard once of a duck that laid three eggs one day, not sure, poor memory. But five is really over the top. Sometimes the ducks can hide their eggs and dig them out again. I'm sure you will figure out what's happening sooner or later, I would love to know.
BTW, I have several buff ducks, for a few years, and notice they DO sometimes lay more than one egg per day, and then don't lay any for a day or two. . .Some waddle around with a load and we swear they are keeping the eggs in them because they know we will take them. And then they lay more than one, I don't think more than two, but I can't be for sure. I believe the rest of the duck owners on this website either don't watch their ducks that closely, or have different ducks than buff ducks. My Rouen never laid more than one, if that, a day. We feed them Layers Purina feed. I talk to them. . .I think happy ducks lay more, and our ducks are really happy.

Its not a prank, and you are not going crazy. . .funny thing, I just read this about 5 years after you put your entry in here. :)

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