duck newbie might be gettin some mallard/pekins


9 Years
Jan 4, 2011
i might be getting 5 mallard/pekin ducklings. they are still young so i will be keeping them in a converted rabbit hutch for a bit. until they are bigger and i can get a real run together.

not sure how tall it should be? i'm about 5'4" and was thinkin just tall enough for me to walk in would be plenty.
and hoping i can get it set up and seeded with some things this fall. maybe have a duckhouse with 2 doors, one on either side. opening to two different aviaries. i can plant and tend one side while the ducks roam and eat the other side. then rotate them to the other side and replant and tend the first side.
not sure what all to be planting in them though.

things i was thinkin i would plant:
indian corn
and a bird seed mix (milo, millet, wheat, etc)

and i'm not sure at the moment if i will try with a kiddie pool or if i will buy plastic sheeting and build a raised bed sort of thing to make a pond.

any thoughts or suggestions are welcome :)
i think that a kiddie pool is a better idea than the other options... that's what i use, not really a kiddie pool, an old horse waterer that is about the size of a kiddie pool. i think five' four" should be tall enough, just make sure that it's wide enough!
I agree with CayugaLover, Ducks are extremely messy! I have four Pekin ducks, and they just love the kitty pool, I have to dump it and refill every 2-3 days because it gets so dirty... I home made pond would be harder to clean i would imagine. Just my opinion :)

Other than that your plan sounds good! It's lots of fun and a great learning experience! Also they grow up realy fast! mine are 2 months and pretty much full grown!
how tall would a mallard/pekin probably get? so i know how tall to make openings and things.

how much space per bird? like ?ftx?ft
how tall would a mallard/pekin probably get? so i know how tall to make openings and things.

how much space per bird? like ?ftx?ft

Mallards and Pekins are an extreme difference in size! Perkins can get as big as 10 pounds while the mallard can get to 3 pounds. I think my Pekins head comes to about half a meter or so... But they can always "duck" haha, through an opening...
I read in my book it should be 6 square feet per duck..
Actually.. I highly sujest you get this this book... It's called "Barnyard in your backyard" it's soooooo helpful with almost all farm animals including a huge section on ducks and geese. It's an awesome guide and I use it a lot. It has everything from shelter, health, breeds and sooo much more. I got it at chapters :)

Oh and I keep my four ducks and six chickens all in a 4x7 ft coop and it's plenty of room! You don't want it too big because theyll need the warmth in the winter :)

Hope this answers your question!

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