duck noises


10 Years
Oct 2, 2009
can you tell how a duck is feeling by the noises it makes? my ducks make lots of different noises, sometimes they quack very loudly (both of them, i think they are both girls) and sometimes the chirp like baby ducklings (and they are nearly 6 weeks old) and this morning when i went to let them out of the duck house they were making a cooing sound sort of like a pigeon it was really cute!
Absolutely. I know all of my ducks' sounds.

My girl honks when there's something distressing her or if she's looking for me. The "boys" (I don't know if they're boys, but they don't quack yet so I'm assuming) make a loud "WEEK" noise if there is something upsetting them. When the boys call for me they do the "come here" whistle that sounds just like people whistling for their friends to come over. And when they're happy they do a constant chatter.
If they're both making the same quacking noise, they're definitely both girls. Not bad at all.

My favorite duck noises are made by girls - the happy "qww-wee-wee" noises they make while utterly destroying your yard, the broody duck squeaks, and the rapid "kuh-kuh-kuh" sound they make while pointing over their shoulder and crowding their drake to show him that he's the best and everyone else is a loser. Even after he takes a beating. LOL Duck attitudes are the best.
I love the drake ego boost dance! Accompanied by lots of head bobbing and rapid shuffling of the feet. Too cute...
a freind of mine who owns a lot of birds has several ducks. they all make the regular duck noises but one of them is quiet for about 2 minutes and then goes "QUAAAAAAAG QUAAAAAAG QUAAAAAAAAG QUAAAAAAAG QUAAAAAG!!!!!" and then quiet again for 2 more minutes and repeat. what does it mean?
Boy or girl? Since you say the duck in question is quiet in between and doesn't make "normal duck sounds," I'm putting my money on a drake.

The drake's version would be quieter, monotone and more drawn out: "Quaaaaaaaaaag. Quaaaaaaaaaag. Quaaaaaaaaag." They make that sound for a lot of situations, like when they've just noticed something - a monster, a human slave bearing potential food, a speck of dust in the stratosphere - or just have a wish for feminine attention. That's usually when the aforementioned ego-boost dance starts.

If it's a girl duck quacking up, the first syllable is especially loud/explosive and the following ones sound kind of strung together: "WAAAAAAK wak-wak-wak!" She's usually either ticked or wants attention. Or both.
yeah, it definitely sounds more like "WAAAAAAK wak-wak-wak!" he/she does it just whenever, all the time. i know because i house sat for said people for about a month. it's crazy caring for over 100 birds when im used to 20 or so. her turkeys were the sweetest little babies ever.

anyhow, the duck is certainly an odd one
She might be the head honcho. It'd be my guess, anyway. Kind of hard to tell in over 100 birds, I would imagine! LOL

And turkeys are great. I love their talk and when the toms drum. <3

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