Duck not using one leg....Pics of foot added..


8 Years
Jun 26, 2011
Any ideas or new revelations would be appreciated! :)

I have an adult Saxony duck that literally woke up one day without use of her leg. It does not look injured, swollen, or warm. There is no bumblefoot to be seen. I separated her and a few days later I noticed bubbles in her eye. Then bubbles in the other eye, and some drainage. Very slight. I wouldn't have really noticed if she were with the flock. Yesterday the bubbley eyes were dried up and today I've noticed her eyes are fine. (That may or may not be related to the leg.)

What I've done: Look for any injury... can't find anything. Milk and feed/mash for extra niacin and vitamins, boiled eggs (she won't eat them), yogurt. She isn't eating as much as I'd like. But drinking okay. I've checked for egg binding.. can't feel anything. I'm out of ideas -

Gave her a bath in Epsom salts. And took a pic of her foot. Is this bumblefoot?

I know it doesn't look typical of bumblefoot, but thought I'd ask anyway.
I've never kept ducks, but have kept geese. So I don't know about the foot. Does the other foot have the same swellings in the same places in the toes? It almost looks like she's cut her foot up but that might be poop or something. I can't see it properly. Good camera/photo, it's just it zooms out too much and when it's zoomed in I can't see properly either. If you clean her foot with something gently disinfectant would help. Best wishes.
Thanks Chooks. I soaked her and kind of scraped the black stuff off. I can't find a cut or abrasion anywhere. The other foot is smooth and clean. Nothing like this. I've never had this before! lol.

Also- I put blu kote and salve on it, wrapped it good.. So we'll see what it looks like tmw.
Bit of a long shot... Splinters? If those are swellings in the toes, maybe... I'd think bumblefoot more likely to attack the actual ankle/heel area but it could also be bumblefoot. I don't know. Pine Tar (aka Stockholm Tar) is good for pulling out splinters as well as soothing inflammation, though I don't know if it'd do anything much for Bumblefoot.... I used it on myself as well as poultry and other animals, for all sorts of wounds and problems. With myself I used it to remove a chunk of glass that was below all the layers of skin, in the muscle, which otherwise I would have had to go to the doc's to get cut out, as all my own attempts at cutting it out had failed. Just put on a bandaid with pine tar, every night for two or three nights, and it vanished.
Looks like early bumblefoot on the middle toe, yes.

At this point I would keep up with Epsom salts compresses and follow it with triple antibiotic. It takes weeks to get rid of it that way, but no cutting with its risks of worse infection.

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