Duck not walking all the sudden?


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2023
So this morning all my 9 khaki campbells seemed to be fine but next time I saw them about 3 hours later one of them can hardly walk. She doesn't seem to be egg bound as far as I can tell. She seems to be keeping her legs kicked back and can't put them flat really. What should I do or check next? Attached is a video for reference.

I already gave her a warm bath and massage for a while and that seemed to help a little but not to much. I'll update how she is later.

Also she is about 10 months old.

Thank you for any help!
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Well it's 3 hours later ish and I went to check on her and she seems fine. Walking great, keeping up with the others and I didn't even get to supplement yet! I'm not sure what happened but I did just give everyone a calcium dose before bed just incase anyway. And I plan to give everyone some niacin tomorrow too.
And I searched the coop for an egg and none to be found so idk...
I’d def get her back on niacin the best would be Liquid BComplex 1 ml over a small amount of treat so you know she gets the whole dose and I’d also give her liquid Calcium gluconate in case it is an egg. Put her with her flock but in a dog crate for bed so no one picks on her while she is like this.
What's her diet?
She is free range so she works the yard a lot for bugs and plants. Otherwise she get all flock pellets, crushed corn, and the fresh veggies this week were Brussel sprouts and green peppers. Also crushed egg shells for calcium.

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