Duck or Easter Egger eggs?


5 Years
Jan 18, 2015
Ontario, Canada

My babies chickies started laying in the last week, whilst we were on vacation, and now we have a bit of a mystery on our hands!

We had the daughter of our farmer-neighbor look after the birds for us, and when we got back, we found some very tiny pullet eggs along with the larger eggs of our established layers...and a mid-size, light green egg.

I'm not sure whether our helper found the egg in a nesting box or on the ground (that'll be my first question when I see her), but I don't know whether it comes from our Easter-Egger pulley, or one of our young Indian Runner ducks! We also have two Cream Legbars, but I'm assuming it's not from them, since it's really more green than blue.

I'm attaching a photo of said egg, but the color isn't coming out great - in real life it's that greenish color, but not quite as pale. The inside color is definitely white, not blue or green, and it seems to that the membrane is a little thicker than normal. The egg white itself seems a very clear color, like water, and seemed perhaps slightly firmer than a normal chicken egg... but these are all very slight, and TBH, I'm not sure if I'm imagining them, especially as I cracked it straight into the pan!! :$

Just ate it, fried, and it tasted pretty normal, the yolk perhaps tasted slightly stronger than normal, but I like my eggs done medium, and this was not quite as done as usual.

Yes, I'm totally overthinking this, LOL :D

Any ideas/opinions, anyone!?
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How big was it before you cracked it? My pullet eggs are generally pretty small. My ducks first eggs are usually a bit bigger than I would expect from a chicken.
It was a good size egg - a little smaller than some of my large egg-layers', but larger than my Dominique's eggs usually are, and way bigger than the first eggs my Speckled Sussex has been laying!

I think all the evidence points to duck, at this point! :D

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