Duck penis popping out when pooping


Apr 7, 2021
To get right to it: today I noticed that one of my drakes, Luna, had his penis pop out when he was pooping.
About an inch came out, dangled there for 1-2 seconds, and then it went back in.
I stared him down for way too long and it watched it happen multiple times. This was not happening last night, so it’s a fairly recent development.
The penis itself looked fine - color was usual, nothing looked red/bloody/drippy.
His stool was fairly watery when I was watching him but it’s been very hot out so I’m not concerned. Theres been no blood in the stool or other abnormalities. Once he came inside for the night he had a normal poop & I did see him eat.

Did he have a small prolapse? Or could this be a sign of something else?
My boy has been doing this for over a month where he has a poo it’s watery and it falls out. But a few weeks ago it stayed out and didn’t go back up
I had to separate Him and put triple antibiotic cream on it
The vet gave him medicam for pain and swelling. Mine wasn’t eating for days only drinking a lot of water. It’s now going back up but still falls down every poo
We had X rays done and stool samples and all came back fine
I did see my one drake try to mount him so my thought is he was raped at first
Then when it was hanging down I saw another duck bite it. it’s why I separated him. Dangling things are an attraction to the other ducks
Because it falls he got it bit and that caused the mini prolapse for a week
Mine also rocks to get it back up

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