Duck Pond Pump questions

Ooh, that's not a bad price at all. How many gallons do you have in your pool/pond?

Exactly how is it working? Do you mean you ran a hose with running water into it while pumping out the dirty water at the same time?

Can you post pix of your set up?

I don't have a pic and the camera is broken but we have a 20x15 liner pond, aprox 4ft deep. No ducks, I love my fish and lillies. Geta 5 gal bucket and poke holes. put the pump in it and the lid on the bucket. Place the bucket on bricks so it doesn't sit in the sludge. We only clean it once a year. Also there are plans on the net to make an above ground filter using a tub, pot scrubbies and a furnace filter. I plan to try this home made bio filter later this year.
Keeps the fish, crayfish, plants and sludge from getting to the pump so dh says. lol. I also thought about placing filter around the pump in the bucket, haven't done that either. The liner is 14 years old and we patched once last year due to little boys with sticks. Carpet liner under the pond liner worked great. We get wild ducks once in a while and a blue heron but thats about it. I really love my pond and am afraid the ducks would turn it into a soup pot. Would one of those filters with the special light to kill bacteria help? We did try the barley bundles and liquid barley but no effect the pond is just too big. I also think ducks would make a mess with the barley.
I think the fish are definitely less "wasteful" than ducks are so yeah I could see how the bucket would help keep them out of it but doesn't the pump sit directly on the ground? I'm having a hard time seeing how it actually works if it's not sitting right in the schmuck on the bottom of the pool...

I've had 3 ducks for 7 years and I see how much they mess up their little pool within 5 minutes so I know now that I've added 4 more ducks to the mix it's going to be waaaaaaaaaay worse than what I'm dealing with now!

I'm really thinking that a vacuum is still probably the way for me to go to keep it up to "my" cleanliness standards (which sometimes drives myself crazy
). But I'm really hoping someone will come on this thread and say something to this effect "I've had a dozen ducks on a 120 sq ft pond/pool for years and this (insert pump name here) pump works great to keep the sludge down to a minimum. You just have to backwash every couple of days and voila it's clean."
Really, I'm hoping someone will come on and say that (or something similiar) so I know EXACTLY what type of pump to buy to do the job I want/need it to do.

We've been having a heat wave these last few weeks and their little pools get stinky so quickly it's gross. One of the things I was thinking of doing was to put up a sun barrier (new pool will be south facing) so there's no direct sunlight on the water to hopefully keep the algae from growing quite so fast.
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Mine pumps from a lower pond into a small skippy filter (with a garden hose hooked to the pump) I made. That flows out into an upper pond, which flows back into the lower pond. Very simple, not anything fancy or nice to look at. I've tried lots of plants in the filter to help, but the geese eat them all (even an entire cattail plant). I need to set it up higher somehow so they can't reach it. It works best after it's been running a couple months. But it does eventually start keeping the water pretty clean. At least for 3 geese and 5 ducks! In the skippy filter is just furnace filter material cut into small squares.
Ok I picked up a new camera card and think I figured out how to post pictures. Lets see

That doesn't look right but i post and see if it changes. ok, should have turned it. but as you can see lots of pond and plants, no room for ducks.

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