Duck poop consistency


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Montgomery County, Ohio
What should the consistency be like?

My Muscovies (almost 5 weeks old) vary. Sometimes it's runny, watery and brown, other times it's brown and white, not runny, lumpy for a lack of better term I guess.

They other day though one of them had a tiny runny, watery white poop.

Is all this normal for ducks and/or their breed/age?

They are still their same perky, try to get into everything, flap their wings, running around like crazy ducklings. All have feathers growing in nicely, they peep etc.
What should the consistency be like?

My Muscovies (almost 5 weeks old) vary. Sometimes it's runny, watery and brown, other times it's brown and white, not runny, lumpy for a lack of better term I guess.

They other day though one of them had a tiny runny, watery white poop.

Is all this normal for ducks and/or their breed/age?

They are still their same perky, try to get into everything, flap their wings, running around like crazy ducklings. All have feathers growing in nicely, they peep etc.
I am a poop watcher and I have seen some strange colored poop out of my ducks depending what they have eaten that day, if yours are allowed to run around in the yard then what they have nibbled on has come out the other end, so as long as they are doing what ducklings do then I wouldn't worry.
Ditto, from my experience with Runners. Although I have read there is an ideal poop, ours come out all kinds of ways.

The ones to be more concerned about are the ones that are very dark and syrupy with very strong odor. It may ( does not always ) indicate an infection.
That's what I always thought. That what they eat would affect what comes out the other end. When I put them in for the night and they eat crumble, for all of them it comes out looking the same.

The white one worried me yesterday, but haven't seen it since, so I'm guessing they ate something wierd.

I'll be on the look out for dark and syrupy. Usuaully, when this comes with an infection, is the duck still acting it's normal self?

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