duck-proof plants?

Hostas are nice and I could put those in the back of the pen... I can prolly do non-dog-safe plants in the back of the run which will be shady. Sun plants have to go on the front end where dogs can reach.
One of my biggest summer amusements is to watch my ducks stand under a blueberry plant and jump to get a berry that is just a little too high - this is after they have cleaned off all the duck level berries. Mildred must think it is an olympic sport or something. She loves blueberries almost as much as frozen peas!

One of the few plants that is not fenced that survived the relocation of the duck run here is "Autumn Joy" sedum. Ducks have drilled and trampled it, and it is still coming back up strong.
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Guess I misread that original post. I have no plants in the pen. I've thought about it, but I'm pretty sure everything would be worried to death in there. The plants I mentioned are in my garden and the girls do get to free range in there, but don't have access all day. I would be inclined to use a woody shrub or perennial as I'm sure it will get a lot of "attention"!
Well the thing is they haven't eaten any yet... Which is good. And it's only the little one (the husky puppy) that is really causing me troubles. And it's not like I'm puppy paranoid. After owning two of them and one dog before them it's kind of like "Oh, you ate half a frisbee? That's OK. You're a good chewer and would have chewed it up into small pieces." and the next day the poo comes out bright red or blue plastic... X_X

I just think my little girl isn't all that bright TBH. I'm been spoiled by my genious mutt.
Nothing wrong with that. Our dog abbey a Paplion ate a slimjim wrapper out of the garbage... Surgery needed to take it out. So now all small plastics are in the large garbage can lol.
Yesturday I had let the runners out and the pekins to go to the pond for the remainder of the day. Well people have access to the pond from the road to fish, whatever until I thought I seen someone with a Lab dog and i almost freaked the heck out. So as i was walking out of the house i heard something to the side of me.... Well no need to worry about the ducks in the pond because they snuck up into my moms plant garden!!! They made little foot paths threw it and its kind of funny because you cant see them from how large the plants are LOL. But they havent destroyed anything -yet- .
Some pictures from the yard. Im unsure the names of the plants.. I just know they come back each year and this garden is atleast 10 years old.

This i know is our grape vine lol

Csko; The big flat leaft ones are hostas.... Good partial shade/shade plants and I think I will try to invest in a couple of those for the pack of the pen since it's shady back there (and they are dog toxic). I am kind of thinking of what kind of woody shrub I'd like since that appears to be the last option. Also I have plans for my very own Duckponix system for plants outside the pen. XD
Also I have plans for my very own Duckponix system for plants outside the pen. XD
I'd like to hear how that turns out. I set up a small aquaponics system this year and got a few ideas I would like to try for a duckponics system. I'm thinking duckponics will require a massive growbed for the amount of waste they produce...
Csko; The big flat leaft ones are hostas.... Good partial shade/shade plants and I think I will try to invest in a couple of those for the pack of the pen since it's shady back there (and they are dog toxic). I am kind of thinking of what kind of woody shrub I'd like since that appears to be the last option. Also I have plans for my very own Duckponix system for plants outside the pen. XD
Ahh, yeah the dogs are no where near them, thankfully, their growing up those white fence things like a vine. I love them when they flower. :) And for my duck pen, im thinking for the pond to make a bio filter for them if not im going to make a water run off pond for when i empty the pool the water has somewhere to go and the ponds have plants in them like water loving tress and reeds and they look nice, Ive seen some up in plains, pa.
My father suggested something crazy. Most pond pumps get clogged because of things like mud, sticks, grass and small solids that the ducks bring in getting caught up in the workings and gumming it up. So he thought of looking into building a duck pond "pump" that keeps the motor separate and actually uses a sort of escalator system to pull the water up in scoops to keep the motor separate. You can't clog a tube if there ARE no tubes after all. So I am going to have he and my brother in law (both electrical engineers) try to design a prototype of a non-clogging pond escalator for me. :3
Then the water will get dumped into a raised pool OUTSIDE the duck pen where it will filter through sand, gravel, duckweed, reeds, fish and human food plants in a series of slow pools before taking a trip down a little pond-liner lined stream back into the pond. At the end of the year the ducks start feasting on duckweed and fish that have been breeding that I throw into their pond and then I get lots of healthy veggies. I save a handful of fish and duckweed plants and toss 'em into a small aquarium in my house for wintering and put them back come spring for even more fish and duckweed.

I have big plans...!

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