Duck Release Pond

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So you two really think that being eaten alive is more humane than cervical dislocation or exsanguination?

How would you know if it's private or not?? It's next to a dirt road.... No signs of anything for the public to make use of it either. I just passed several ponds earlier today that looked just like that that were private. Most farms have at least one pond....
How would you know if it's private or not?? It's next to a dirt road.... No signs of anything for the public to make use of it either. I just passed several ponds earlier today that looked just like that that were private. Most farms have at least one pond....
Just a guess, but it looks like more like county or PG&E property than private property.

Oh my! I had forgotten what a beautiful pond my ducks got to live on! Unfortunately they disappeared after a few months, not sure what happened, I suspect an owl. They certainly had a wonderful happy life while they were here, you can see the terrific algae blooom on the surface, and there is no danger of botulism as this pond has a running water fresh water entry and a continuous discharge so it never becomes stagnant. Since this photo was taken this pond has been dredged and all the cattails removed, think I'll throw some floating docks out there for the ducks. Will walk out there and get some new photos of this pond, will be right back.
Who owns the pond?

You want to keep your pet ducks wings clipped as they tend to fly with the wild ducks if they ever visit.
The last four ducks he dumped there got eaten or died, and clipping their wings will make them more vulnerable to predator attacks.

I assume there in the states but here in the UK we don't have a big water/air predator problem but we have foxes so I guess there the same as your coyotes. And if they anything similar a fox won't bother swimming for its food it will find a easier source. If they have predator problems they should sort it out before hand instead of loosing there ducks when they fly off with the wild ones as "call ducks" are used to call wild ducks. The lake looks big enough for the ducks to escape from predators anyway.



Some photos today of this lovely pond, you can see the cattails have been removed and it's wide open now. See Mr White Egrett out there? Occasionally see some wild ducks, and wild honkers nest on this pond every year and produce babies, coot/mudhens produced several little mudhen babies this year too on this PRIVATE pond. I have 10 strait run Jumbo Pekin's coming next week, and soon as they feather out I will put them on this pond, year round good things to eat, all the algea, snails, frogs, minnows, polywogs a duck can eat. It just drives the hoarders crazy, they are always wanting free ducks and chickens, but I flat refuse to aid and abett the hoarders, if they want my ducks they will have to pay for them. This is duck retirement at it's finest! All you can eat plus the Duckmeister throwing some corn out for the ducks too.

Backyardpoultry 10th commandment:Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's mighty fine little duck pond, and thou shalt not covet the awesome little quackers on it either! :p
You want to keep your pet ducks wings clipped as they tend to fly with the wild ducks if they ever visit.

That's a possibility,hopefully they flew to another private pond and didn't get killed. There are literally hundreds of private ponds here in Shasta county CA. Our Shasta Dam stores 80% of all the water in CA and we have a vast irrigation system. Our mediterranean climate insures they never freeze and the sunny days and mild temperatures guarantee food for ducks is abundant all year.
The subject of releasing human bonded birds into the wild is a very controversial subject, one that will eventually lead to arguing. We are all very passionate about our beliefs on raising our birds however this subject will never be agreed upon. So the BYC Moderation Team has decided to lock this thread down.

Thank you to all that participated.

-BYC Moderation Team
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