Duck Safe Abtibiotics


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Hello all!
This is our last ditch effort to save our duck!
She was hatched in May 2013, started laying in Sept 2013. Early on she had multiple soft eggs but the contents were normal. Most of the winter she laid perfect eggs. But had an episode of part of her vent stuck out maybe only a quater of an inch. It got a scab, I soaked her applied abx oint several days till it healed the bag balm. Vent went back in and random checks were fine. As of this summer about May, she stopped laying suddenly. Started moving slowly, making nests behind bushes, only to abandon them, isolating herself, but eating well. Checked her vent and it was fine. Later as she started to pump her tail I checked again and same amount of small tissue was out again and scab. Soaked again, applied abx oint, then bag balm, scab came off, tissue looked great. Vent totally inside. Next day she had a large soft egg again with normal inside content. Then few days later a deformed soft egg with little content in it, no yolk as it was open on one end. Vent looked fine she perked up and fine for several days. Yesterday she looked awful. Tail pumping, walking slowly but eating and drinking fine, poop no issue. Then she laid this solid tiny spongy nugget, then a deformed soft egg open at one end, then later pooped inside content of egg mixed with yolk and poop! What's going on with my poor duck? We have a total of 9 ducks all female, 5 laying and 4 two month olds I keep apart from the layers. The layers get free range on about a half acre of grassy area and landscaping with sun and shade, a pool, fresh water changed 3x day, vitamin water, oyster shell and layer feed. Coop at night, no food or water, back outside to forage early in the morning. No other duck is showing signs of illness or egg issues. My concerns: infection? Disease? Parasite? Abnormal internal structuring?
I started to supplement her with the manna pro omega egg maker as of yesterday evening. I'm keeping her at night away from the rest and providing food and vitamin water. Would like a list of safe antibiotics I can get at the feed store or online but if it's infection, what am I dealing with and how will I know the correct antibiotic? Arrggg!

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