Duck Sexing (Pic Heavy)

your fowl are beautiful and living in Alaska I can see where down would come in handy.
If you can make them quack, in most cases a girl will have the Aflack duck quack. Boys will sound like a bull frog or be very quiet eith their quacking. To make them quack, pick one up at a time and take them out of eyesight of your flock. Or just wait until you see the drake tail feather curl
How old are your ducks?
Usually around 4 months old, the males will grow a curly feather at the base of their tails.
Also depending on their age, your males will get green heads (the mallards, buff, rouen, and khaki campbell). From the pics, I would say you have all females but if they are still young then chances are you could have some males that just haven't changed yet.
Are you sure you have mallards? It is hard to tell in the pictures, but it looks like you have all rouens. The mallards will be half the size of the rouens.

But you can also sex them by voice. When you pick them up, the females will be very loud and have a very prominent "quack". The males will either be quiet, or quack with a quieter, raspy sounding voice.
around 3 months only one is supposed to be a rouen the others that look like it are supposed to be mallards. I do have the one rouen picked out its bigger than the rest of the ducks..

I did think today I saw 1 drake feather coming out but my ducks are very uncooperative even though there were raised held everyday and pampered like a baby..
Yes those are mallards. As far as sex I'm not really sure, mine was born at the end of April and I'm not sure their sex either. One of mine has a darker bill, more black. One has more white on the tip of its tail feathers but that's basically the only difference. I really can't voice sex them either because one is so quiet. I guess that one with the white on tail feathers and more yellow bill might be a male maybe.
Well there are multiple breeds.

1 - Cyuga duck (all black)

2 - Buff Orpington (the golden tan)

3 - Khaki Campbell (chocolate brown)

4 - either hatchery quality rouen, or mallards

and lovely chickens and a nice production grey Toulouse goose too

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