Duck sneeze question


Jul 2, 2023
Hello, all! I know there are lots of posts about this topic but I was hoping for a targeted answer. One of my runner ducks sneezed a few times this morning. I know that can be nothing at all or turn into something to be worried about. Currently no discharge or mucus and otherwise normal behavior. It's been quite cold but that's about it; same bedding, same food, access to plenty of water to bathe in and dunk and drink. Her eyes and nares seem fine. She's social and again, seemingly normal, so I plan to keep an eye on her. I do have a vet about 30 miles away that I can take her to if absolutely necessary but would rather not have to put her through that, plus it's almost the Christmas holiday and we'll have a farmsitter for a few days. My question was is there anything that can be provided more prophylactically, even to all three of them, to help guard against an infection? Or a medication I can have on hand in the event she develops something? Thank you!!
Sometimes mine will do this right after drinking water or scarfing up their feed sometimes even a slight cough . It maybe she got some shaving/feed dust in her nares. You are right to keep an eye on her. One thing you can do is put some ACV with mother in their drinking container it is a good tonic and can also kill some bacteria 1-2 Tablespoons to a gallon of water I do this a couple times a week for mine. It will not sting their eyes at this strength. I tried it to make sure.
Sometimes mine will do this right after drinking water or scarfing up their feed sometimes even a slight cough . It maybe she got some shaving/feed dust in her nares. You are right to keep an eye on her. One thing you can do is put some ACV with mother in their drinking container it is a good tonic and can also kill some bacteria 1-2 Tablespoons to a gallon of water I do this a couple times a week for mine. It will not sting their eyes at this strength. I tried it to make sure.
I came to see what some answers were as I have a 2-month-old silkie who's been sneezing for a couple of weeks with no other symptoms and her siblings and all other chickens are fine. I've just been giving Poultry Cell every other day and figured it should beat this without me going to antibiotics.

But, I got away from ACV/mother since I got back into fermenting. I used it for a probiotic but forgot it can help with other things too. I'm going to try that and give it a whirl. Thanks for the reminder! 🥰

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