Duck suddenly ill, acting drunk


Aug 27, 2022
Our flock of 10 (3 months old) was acting fine until 9 moved off leaving one behind. She just kind of stood there, head kind of swaying. My husband went up to her and she slowly made her way to their pond (the other ducks were digging elsewhere in the yard).

She slowly drifted, with her head doing this swaying/bobbing (not like normal). When the other ducks came she splashed herself with water, and kind of acted normal. Got out and spread her wings to stretch. Then just stood in one spot doing that weird, almost drunken swaying. She stayed out when other ducks went to coop.

We have her in a tote with water and food. She does not seem to be doing well. I don't know if we have a vet in the area, or even if we could afford one if they're near.

Any ideas on what happened & what to do?

I tried to add video but it won't let me? Research makes me think something like ataxia? No apparent congestion. Haven't seen poop yet. Will update when I do
Post a video to YouTube or similar and link back.
Sound Like niacin/vitamin deficiency. What does she eat?
At this point Dumor 17% all flock pellet. We were putting brewers yeast on food but stopped maybe 1 month ago. Was that too soon? They forage a lot during the day.

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