Duck Temperment and Personality


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
Fairfield, CT
Hello all,
I am planning on ordering all different types of ducks this year and would like to know a little more about the temperament and/or personality of the ducks or anything else you could think of that could be a deciding factor. I am more concerned with skittishness because I plan to use them as therapy animals and they will need to be friendly. I currently have 4 Pekings and 2 Indian Runners that I raised since they were ducklings. I love my ducks and treat them as pets. They were handled a lot as ducklings so they wouldn't mind being around humans. I am interested in your opinion on the following ducks as pets:

1. Khaki Campbell
2. Buff Duck
3. Cayuga
4. Rouen
5. Welsh Harlequin
6. Jumbo Peking
7. White Crested Duck

Also should Rouens be bought as a pair?

I am looking forward to reading your responses and hope that I can pick the right combination of ducks for this season.

- Junebug
while yes your ducks are used to you handeling them that doesnt mean that they wont be skittish to the unfamilar people you would have for threapy.

Also take in mind that every duck is different and the majority of one breed might be brave but you could get the occasional odd ball that is skittish.

as long as you keep your rouen/rouens in a flock they should be fine with any partner they have as long as it is another duck.
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As far as breeds go, you have the full gamut in front of you. Pekins are real calm ducks only beat out by the Welsh Harlequin. Runners are about as nervous a duck as you get. (Before everyone jumps on me and tells me about their flighty Pekin or lovey Runner, I am just talking about breed which was the question.)

That having been said all ducks are individuals and conditioned by their upbringing. So I would think that if your ducks are well handled when they are young, by 6 months - 1 year old most of them should be great for therapy. Some may not, but it would be more of an individual thing than a breed thing.

Jumbo Pekins have heard (I don't know personally) can have a lot of leg problems... Not a big concern if you are going to roast them, but for a companion for many years, I would stick with your normal Pekins (they are pretty big as they are).
gentila wrote, "That having been said all ducks are individuals and conditioned by their upbringing. " That says it for me. I was tempted to write about my lovely Runner duck

But this member speaks my mind.
Thank you everyone for your responses thus far. I have nervous pekings because of trauma they had before I got them as ducklings. I can at least pick up my runners, but they all seem to have nervous behavior. I wish my pekings were more relaxed. I was also told the khaki campells are nervous any thoughts?
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gentila wrote, "That having been said all ducks are individuals and conditioned by their upbringing. " That says it for me. I was tempted to write about my lovely Runner duck

But this member speaks my mind.

Was thinking of you when I wrote about the lovey Runner duck...
Plus you have seen Entie standing on my leg... I am no stranger to runner affection myself. BTW when is Little Elfie's story going to be published?

Thank you everyone for your responses thus far. I have nervous pekings because of trauma they had before I got them as ducklings. I can at least pick up my runners, but they all seem to have nervous behavior. I wish my pekings were more relaxed. I was also told the khaki campells are nervous any thoughts?
Metzer has a duck breed comparison chart:

But they show the White Crested as nervous and if my White Crested, Tevye, is nervous he eats a lot of Valium every morning because he is the most laid back duck I have ever seen. And you already have runners which are listed as nervous and Pekins are "Calm". Now I will say my Welsh Harlequin, Rhiannon, definitely falls into the "Very Calm" category and I have seen them referenced in this forum several times as good pet ducks. They are related to the Khaki Campbells so are good layers too if that is a concern. And they are very pretty ducks.
I made my decision on what duck breeds I'm going to stick with for this season. The cayuga, rouen, buff, blue swedish, and welsh harlequin. I'm going to hold off on the khaki campell.... and I would really like crested ducks .because they look so cute, but we'll see.
I made my decision on what duck breeds I'm going to stick with for this season. The cayuga, rouen, buff, blue swedish, and welsh harlequin. I'm going to hold off on the khaki campell.... and I would really like crested ducks .because they look so cute, but we'll see.

Awesome! And some real fun choices. If you do get Crested ducks, don't ever let them breed unless you fully understand the gene involved.

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