Duck toy idea


8 Years
Apr 7, 2011
Last night my duckies escaped from their temporary brooder so after I tightened security I decided they needed something to do to keep them busy... I took a ziploc bag and cut a bunch of holes in it, put a handful of peas in there and gave it to the ducks. The went crazy and did pretty good shaking the bag and getting the peas out, but after a while the peas got too mushy to roll out. I am trying to think of a way to make this sort of toy out of a ball so that when they roll it around peas fall out... my duckies are spoiled!
Anyone have a good way to do this, or another toy that "dispenses" peas? I'll try to get some photos of my little guys getting the peas out of the baggie!
They sell dog's toys like that that you dispense treats out of. Maybe you can find one of those that will work?
I have a couple different toys in my brooder. I have this elephant head that was a stroller toy but they LOVE it, i just strapped it around the bars. They also play with toys that I crochet for them and they like having a soft dog toy to sit on, usually a bone-shaped one.
I have been working on things to keep the Ducks playing well together. so far they have a flexible flier sled they have to splash in. they use a step 2 kiddie pool to swim in. I have a couple big chunks of wood from a box elder tree that are sappy and draw bugs. they dig at the bark and edges hunting bugs. they also have leaves. the more the better I swear. my son tossed a huge pile in the pen and they bury them selves digging through the pile.
My ducks like the cat toys with the bells inside the ball. They roll it around back and forth to each other all day lol. And the hanging bird toys with the bells and mirrors. They like pretty much anyything that makes noise lol

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