Duck very ill, acting drunk.


11 Years
Nov 6, 2008
Southwestern PA
I just went to check on my ducks and I noticed one that was staggering around like it was drunk. She is able to get up and move and acts like a normal duck, albeit drunk. She would start to walk them stagger to one side and fall done or she would stand up tall then fall over. I put her in the wash tub and she swims but shakes a lot, and didn't defecate when I put her in the warm water, which is unusual, they all seem to do that as soon as they hit the water. Sorry to be so ambiguous, but I do not know how better to describe it, so help if you can and ask questions and I will do my best to answer them so we can help my duck.
she might actually be drunk, i heard on here that if berries from trees and stuff ferment and the ducks eat them then they get drunk maybe its that
Does the staggering seem like a balance problem, or is it more like her legs aren't working properly?
And is the shaking in the wash tub shivering, like shes cold, or tremors?
Hope your girl gets better!
It could be a vitamin deficiency.

If you can, get some avian vitamins at the pet store or if you have them handy, a few drops a day of Poly-Vi-Sol (no iron) may help.
She is eating purina layer feed and she free ranges. She is the only one out of 60 some ducks to act this way. I am not sure if she ate something weird yesterday because she was not looking like that the day before. She is not pooping as much as she should, and when she does it is mostly water with some very dark green/black "bits". I am going to TSC so I will have to look for the poly vi sol while I am out. She looks a little better this morning than yesterday. When I put her in the tub she doesn't keep "wagging" her tail as much and falling backward.
She is a call duck and should not be laying and she doesn't feel like there is an egg in there.
Prob not egg bound then, otherwise you would know by now. I lost my duck when she became egg bound within 24 hours. I could feel the egg in her. It was terrible. I hope your little quacker pulls through.

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