Duck vomiting help


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
I found a little duckling when we were out in the woods the other day. I brought her home with us. On the way home it kept vomiting. It's been doing it since we brought it home. When she was in the bathtub today I noticed she was drinking the whole time she was in there. While I was drying her she started shaking her head and threw up all over me. When I put her in her cage I took her water from her. When I went to check on her she had water coming out of her nostrils! What's wrong with baby duck?! And what do I need to do for her?
Have you had ducks before? There is quite a bit to learn, here is a good place to start.

Also, if this is a wild duck, there are restrictions on having them. If it is an abandoned domestic duck, there is no restriction aside from municipal ordinances.

Ducklings need food and water 24/7. Picking them up will make them urp. There may also be an obstruction.
I have a 6 month old khaki and she threw up today for the first time. She laid her 1st egg this morning so I assumed maybe it was that? Having 3 kids, I know the feeling the 1st day! Now shes acting weird though, panting like a dog almost, and making a strange honking sound. Any ideas?
Hope your little duckling is doing ok!! Wish I could help :(
Yes I do I have 8 ranging from 2-5 months. This looks to be a Muscovy it's got the stripe by it's eyes but it's brown and gray. I'm thinking it it just water because it's just clear... Poops fine... I just wanted to make sure that it couldn't be something bad and it get to my other ducks or my son.
She may have eaten something bad...please make sure she still has water, if she seems to want to drink a lot she may be trying to dilute whatever is in her system. Also the vomiting will leave her very dehydrated so please give it back to her!

How is the little one doing now?
I think it's likely due to the stress of being taken into a scary new place and being handled by a human, which it isn't used to. Ducks will spit up when they are stressed or scared, so I would make sure this little guy has food and water and leave it be for awhile. It needs some peace and quiet, and time to get used to it's new surroundings.
I have a 6 month old khaki and she threw up today for the first time. She laid her 1st egg this morning so I assumed maybe it was that? Having 3 kids, I know the feeling the 1st day! Now shes acting weird though, panting like a dog almost, and making a strange honking sound. Any ideas?
Hope your little duckling is doing ok!! Wish I could help
I would be concerned she has a partial obstruction somewhere in her upper digestive tract. If you can upload a video that would help. Is she bobbing her tail, holding it downward? Make sure she has plenty of fresh water, you may want to separate her from the rest and watch her closely for more clues.

A good duck vet is always best if possible.

Just in case, I would make sure to have either an unsharpened pencil with an eraser handy (in case of choking), or a half-inch flexible rubber tube from a medical supply source. Should it be something that blocks the airway, please consider this from Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, first edition.

When a duck obviously needs your assistance, pull its head forward until it is in a straight line with the neck, open the bill by squeezing with the thumb and index finger on both corners of the bill, and push your finger, a piece of 1/2-inch rubber tubing, or the eraser end of a new pencil down the bird's throat until the obstruction is dislodged.
She's actually doing well... Before putting her water back in I picked her up to hold her to massage her throat a little didn't know if that would help but she was fine didn't vomit or act scared any, she's real laid back compared to my other ducks. I've been trying to post a pic but it won't upload I'm gonna restart my phone to see if that helps.
Thanks for those tips! When she gets something in her mouth she shouldnt, I try to open her mouth like suggested and was worried it would hurt her.
Deema has been much better, she threw up that day and then just rested a bit. She threw up later and there was a rock in it! It wasnt big enough to block her since it came up easily but she got lucky for sure! Since then, shes been back to normal and when we go outside, she gets carried down the gravel driveway, more rocks for this bird!

Hope the little one is doing better! When we 1st had to bring her in the house, she was a loner for the first 2 days, relaxed in warm water, just stayed to herself. After seeing that we were trying to help and not hurt, she warmed up to where now, she sleeps in our bed!! In a diaper of course ;)

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