Duck with a possibly infected eye?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
I noticed a couple minutes that my female, one and a half year old Pekin duck was walking around with one eye shut. After I went out and picked her up, she did open her eye easily, but it looks like there is definitely something wrong around the outside. Here are some pictures of first the eye I'm worried about and then her other eye which seems to be perfectly normal.

She's had pretty extensive medical history, about a month and a half ago she and my other duck were both attacked by dogs, and she required a lot of stitches and other medical care. It does seem that she has made a full recovery since then for awhile now, but I'd like to do anything to make sure this isn't a serious problem, especially since I only have two ducks.

Thank you!
I would also post over on the Duck Thread here
so that one of the duck experts could help. I seem to remember reading about a head washing station or something like that to wash their heads in, but I am not experienced with ducks. Does it look like crusted eye drainage? Is there any sneezing or other symptoms of a respiratory infection?
Thank you, I'll post there as well! I haven't noticed any other symptoms, she is eating, drinking, and swimming normally. I know for sure that she layed an egg yesterday (I don't know about today), which I wouldn't expect with a respiratory infection either.

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