Duck with Broken Wing


Feb 2, 2021
Hi, all! I have some concern about our Pekin, Eggy. Several weeks ago, I went outside to put the ducks away for the evening and noticed her wing was dragging and she was unable to move it at all. I had a friend who is a vet tech come by and look at it and she did a video call with her veterinarian boss. He doesn’t treat birds, but has enough knowledge that he said it was either broken right where the humerus meets the shoulder, or possibly dislocated. He walked us through properly setting and taping it and told me to leave the tape on for three weeks.

Fast-forward two weeks and six days, and Eggy managed to slip out of her bandage on the uninjured side last night. I was concerned about her damaging her good wing because it was in an awkward position after slipping out, so I went ahead and removed everything, assuming it would be fine since she only had one more day until I was going to take it off anyway. Her injured wing looks great, other than quite a bit of feather loss from the tape pulling them out. It’s in the proper position and not drooping at all.

My concern is that she can’t seem to move it. She’s stretched and flapped her other wing several times this morning, but hasn’t moved the previously injured one. Is this because we didn’t set the bone properly or could it be because it’s still sore and she’s not used to being able to move it again? I would feel horrible if I caused her to lose the use of her wing, but also obviously couldn’t have just left it dragging on the ground.

If anyone has experienced this or has any ideas, I would love to hear about it. Thank you!
If it was you @DuckDuckJuice with a dislocated or fractured humerus, you would need to start gentle physiotherapy to regain function. With Eggy, the function is only stretching and flapping the wing as she cannot fly. I agree with Miss Lydia above, that it will just take a while for Eggy to start using the wing again when stretching and wing flapping.

I think you did just great, strapping and caring for the injury as you did.

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