Duck with missing toenail, swollen & limp


May 18, 2019
SouthWestern PA
Two days ago, I found my pekin with a bad limp in the morning. I saw she is missing a toenail on her outer toe & the whole toe is swollen. No one area of her toe is more swollen than the rest except for maybe the very end where the nail was. I didn't see any blood anywhere and it doesn't appear to be oozing pus. Maybe the entire nail didn't come off, just down to the skin but can't be sure.
About 3 weeks ago she got scared and ran into the woods, crossing thru some thorn bushes. Maybe something happened then & I just didn't realize it til she starting limping?? Keeping a watch for anything else on her feet.
I started her on antibiotics in case there is infection. Aspirin for pain. I also dipping her toe in organic unfiltered honey. I'm going to put her in warm Epsom salt bath today.
Is there any other suggestions out there for what I should or should not be doing? I know pics would be helpful, I just didn't get one yet.
Is it possible a predator bit it off, but she managed to escape? Antibiotics are good. Can you post pictures?

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