Duck with neck possible neck injury, anyone else have experience with this?

Honey Maid

5 Years
Jan 11, 2015
State of Jefferson
One of my KC hens has a neck problem. I noticed it a couple of days ago, she keeps her head/neck tucked back, not outstretched like my other ducks, when she's walking around, sitting, she won't extend it at all. She looks like she's interested in eating and drinking, but she doesn't want to extend her neck, not to dabble in the mud, eat off the ground, or in the pool. I brought her in the house today, whirled up some peas for her, she ate a little, and drank some while I held her., I had to hold the dishes up to her bill to get her to eat and drink. My ducks are livestock, not pets, so they are kind of skittish, but she's pretty calm when I hold her, and goes into a trance when I massage her neck, and she lets her neck hang down, when I massage up and down her neck. I have her in a dog kennel in our mud room, she seems to be happy there for now. She has access to water and whirled peas, but I was wondering what else I might tempt her with. Also, I plan on taking her out of the kennel several times a day and massaging her neck. Anything else anyone can think of that I might do to help her out? I did a search on neck problems here on the forum, only found one that might relate, not a lot of info though.

She has plenty of water, but i dont think she's drinking on her own, same with eating. I put some clover in some water for her, they usually LOVE that, but she's not interested. For some background, I've 10 ducks, 5KC, 1 drake 4 hens, and 5 WH, 1 drake and 4 hens. They all are the same age, live together in the same coop and yard. hatched March 1, 2015, I recieved them March 3rd. They got Mazuri waterfowl starter till they started laying, then they got layer pellets, and hen scratch. I give them kale, grated squash, romaine lettuce, wheat grass clippings, clover. They've all been healthy. Don't have any idea how this one got injured, the drakes are not over rambunctious, and even though she is not right, none of the other ducks have picked on her.
I wonder if she could have gotten injured mating. Sometimes I see a female duck's neck across something like the edge of the kiddie pool while mating.

I think it's at least a good start to separate her from the drakes. Can she quack?

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