Duck worries


Mar 7, 2016
Hey guys,
I've been a long time reader of this site but never really posted/joined.
I currently have an Australian wood duck called Peep (she's in my display pic) whom I adopted when her family was killed and she was left stranded on a pond by herself.
She's adorable and I love her so very very much, but considering how much I care about her it's only natural that I've got some worries.

She has a decent sized cage/hutch for her to potter around in and it gets moved every other day for fresh grass. Unfortunately, I'm a student so I can be busy for a lot of the day. She gets about an hour (or longer) run in the morning before I have to head to Uni and she always has a shower with me (yes, she loves showertimes with me... no soap!) and then we chill out on the bed for a few hours before I put her to bed. In between that time though, she has to stay in that cage... I'd love to let her roam but there are too many cats around and getting a bigger pen is out of the question (I'm renting). Is that enough time for her out of the cage? Would she be better off with a family with a better setup? I mean, she's my baby, but I want to do what's best for her.

Also, she only ever eats her chicken crumble.... I see her foraging on the ground etc but any other veggies or things I offer her she nibbles but then remains uninterested in. Is this a problem? Should I be giving her something else for her nourishment?

Thanks so much guys.
From a very worried duck mumma.
Hey Leia,

I found a similar coop online:
But basically it's about 1m tall and 2m long with ALMOST a metre wide.

I've tried her with peas and carrots. If she seems interested in what I'm eating and it's not going to hurt her I will offer her some but she just has no interest in it. I've tried her with peas in the pool and scattered over the ground and even hand interest. She'll try it but then shake it out of her mouth and waddle away lol.
For one duck that does not look terrible. Have you tried french cut green beans? I was giving mine peas and they seemed to like them, but they love the french cut green beans. I think its just a hit or miss with veggies, just have to try different things until you find something they like.
I would try and spend as much time as possible with her. Have you ever thought about getting another female duck to keep her company? One about her size and age? They do seem to be happiest when they have company.

Have you tried fruit with her? Mine love watermelon, cantelope, grapes cut up. My ducks aren't picky at all. They love frozen peas cooked and corn, greenbeans, lettuce. The only thing I have found they don't like is spinach or kale greens.
I would love to but my housemate/brother would kill me. It was hard enough trying to convince him to let me keep Peep! I'm getting her a duck diaper so she'll be able to spend more time inside with us as well, but until then I try and get outside with her for at least 3-4 hours a day if not more.

I might have to give fruits a crack! I've tried her with corn as well and she just doesn't seem interested. Apparently I've got a very fussy duck on my hands! I was thinking mealworms might be a nice treat (if she eats them) as well?
I've never tried the duck diapers but a lot of people on this site have them for their ducks and they love them. That's great she can spend more time indoors and you won't have the messes.

She must be very picky. I think she might like the fruit especially if you show her you like it and eat it with her. None of my ducks are that friendly I have two that eat out of my hands I would love to have one that enjoyed pets and being held. You are so lucky to have a duck that enjoys your company.
My ducks aren't crazy about peas either. But they all have their favorites as far as food. One loves mushrooms, she always pushes the others out of the way and pounces on the mushrooms. Several of them love cucumber peels. They all adore lettuce. Bread crusts are another favorite. Maybe try ice chips too; mine love winter here because they constantly eat ice and snow.
Do you have a good sized pan of water for her to play in while she's in her cage? My ducks wouldn't care if they were confined to a small sized area, as long as they had water to play in.
A few other thoughts for snacks. We have a few ducks that really like Koi pond kibble. Just a hand full once a week or so in their pond / water bucket. Dried meal worms! She may turn her nose at first, but leave some in her pen and I'd bet she'll devour them and after that watch out!! And pumpkins are another favorite, I cut it into 4 equal parts and let them at it!! All but the outside rind will be left after a few days. Cat food is a great treat, but it's typically high in protein so don't over do it.

Anyhow, enjoy that cute little girl and welcome to this fun and helpful bunch!!!

Troy & Tina
I'll definitely try her with fruits :D I think she just finds the different flavours weird.

I've got a little water feeder for her in the cage but not anything she can really play in. I'd be worried about covering too much of the grass that she's always picking at! lol Might give it a try in the near future though!

Thanks tmorgan46! I will definitely give her a go with the koi kibble and dried meal worms. I was considering picking them up from the store. Might have to give pumpkin a go with her. I just sit with her and offer her different veggies at the moment and let her see me eating them. She tries them but she shakes her head to throw them away as if to say "yuck!". So far she's turned her beak up at peas, corn and beans!
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