Duckling Bedding

Does anyone have any aversions to Shredded Aspen bedding? It's not the chopped kind so it's less likely to be a hazard to ducklings, it's quite easy to just scoop up when needed, it doesn't have the harmful wood oils. I am going out today to get another kind of bedding as the use of towels is just too much. I was thinking the aspen or something like straw or the bagged chopped timothy hay. What do ya'll think?
Straw gets slimy and yuckky very fast. I only use it outside to put over the snow in the winter. I have heard the ducklings will try and eat the hay and it could be dangerous...gets stuck in their throats. Don't know about shredded aspen. Do a search on here. I'm sure someone has given advice about it!
I think I am about ready to use towels , because the shavings are getting soaked so fast and yeah they smell.

Any ideas on how to keep around their water bowl dry?? I was thinking about putting it inside a brownie pan... do you think that would work?
The towels worked best for us. We had 4 ducks in the house. Brownie pan will work for a while, but they love their water so much, it's impossible to keep things dry. They also need the water to eat and keep their nostrils clear, so it has to be deep enough. I know I have read some ingenious ideas from others on here who have tackled the same issues. Do a search. It's amazing what you can find!
I have some left over sections of indoor outdoor carpeting to try, thinking a couple layers of it will allow any water to drain down... or Maybe I'll put some of those pellets underneath the carpeting, and a towel off to the side for snuggly. Has anyone used indoor outdoor carpeting before?
I actually have some left over indoor/outdoor carpet from when I had an Iguana... I considered it today but was afraid it would hold moisture.
Today I bought a rabbit hutch at the feed store to put them in, and I pulled my cabinet liner out from under my dishes to give them some protection... not sitting on bare wire.
I will give an update in a few days how that works out.
okay so heres the thing im a new duck owner i have no idea what to do or the dos and donts of caring for them or what and what not to feed them i bought them off a friend who didnt no much her self she told me to feed them crushed oat meal and wheat germ i never gave them wheat germ just the oatmeal for 2 weeks i had them on some type of duck food that was given to me by a different friend i dont no where she got it i had four but one of the duckling died something was wrong with him he hurt his leg and stoped growing he died last week i cant explain how heart broke i am now one out of the three i have seems to be limping i have them with no bedding due to the fact that i dont know what to buy them the bedding i got them from walmart grew mold within two days i put there water in a bowl and being the fact that their so messy ad bassically splash the majority of it out of the bowl i need some major. help how do i help my hurt duck i dont want to lose another duck. ive tried looking up who to take care of them but most of the websites i find arent very helpful considering most of the ones i found were about how there were a good meat source.. like im not trying to eat them there my pets and all the others are about ducks that are already full grown living outside in pen i have seldomly found any reliable info on taking care of them in a house.please can someone help me out a little i would appreciate it alot and so would my little ducks. <3

P.s I have pekin ducklings
You need to be feeding then chick starter and put Niacin in their water. I am new to this too! I found the Niacin at Walgreens today. No time release or no flush just plain Niacin. It was behind the counter. I couldn't use any off the shelf. You just desolve it in their water.
where can i find chick starter they are exactly 6 weeks old and where ca i find decent bedding or the horse pellets and my hurt duckling what do i do about him im worried he started limping yesterday?

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