Duckling born with foot goin backwards help x


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2020
Hey any advice on how to help this lil 1, was born 2 days ago and been like this since, he's Eatin n drinking, got him on vitamins, iv strapped his leg like shown on Google but it's still like this he can't walk gets around on his belly n other foot xx
looks like a club foot. maybe it can be fixed with a special shoe? maybe a local feed store will have something to help. hope you can fix it.
Can you take her to a vet?

It looks pretty deformed, I know you tried, but I'd try to make a tape, or some sort of device that pulls that foor parallel with the other one.
Iv tried bring it forward n securing it there but ut jus goes bk, he's more stronger n fiesty now so harder to work with but least he's stronger, I'm gona take him to vet next week when paid n see if they can help, iv looked at loads of diff options n tried so many, so next step is vet, he gets around etc so defo eating n stuff but I jus need to know wat his future will be either an outdoor duck or house duck for his safety either way I won't be giving him up ❤️❤️❤️
I think a vet would be your best bet too, In the meantime, adding some B vitamin to his/her diet, specifically niacin may help.
Yeh he's been on all this aswell n still on it that's why I'm thinking it can't be fixed this way I genuinely think this is wat he, ll b left wi xxx

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