duckling contest

i wonder how big your pekin's crest will be when he/she grows up? I've seen all sizes!

I don't know, but the parents had pretty good sized ones. I got him/her because I went to a chicken sell this past Saturday and he was in a cage with a bunch of other duck. They had no food or water and he was just sitting all alone. I couldn't resist. I also got another duck that was in with him. I have no idea what kind he is and I got a Sebastopol gosling. I feel like I rescued them.
I don't know, but the parents had pretty good sized ones. I got him/her I went to a chicken sell this past Saturday and he was in a cage with a bunch of other duck. They had no food or water and he was just sitting all alone. I couldn't resist. I also got another duck that was in with him. I have no idea what kind he is and I got a Sebastopol gosling. I feel like I rescued them.
Did you see the man with all those poor Runner babies? Thats where I got mine from. Terrible man if you ask me..

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