duckling contest

Aweee man :/ But thanks for liking my pic xD hes like 5x the size and has feathers started. He still has a lil yellow on his chest though. and i just got these today -not for the contest since its over, but just to show everyone! Their going to be magpie call ducks :)
heres my 1 day old moscovy (4 of them are mine the other 4 my moms)

Doesn't it always seem to work out that way? I'm new to ducks still, but of the 6 i've had total it's been 50/50 female to male. I'd be pretty happy with that if my females didn't have so many problems though. My flock limit is small so I'm being picky about who I keep-mean personalities won't fly around here lol

Hopefully your babies will be the genders you want! I'll be hatching Anconas in about a month and a half or so, all girls would be awesome!

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