Duckling Delima


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2022
Oceanside, Ca
Hi, I’m fairly new to BYC as I recently got charge of a single baby duckling after my neighbors puppy killed one of the pair. My heart went out to this little one as this family didn’t seem to have a good plan for caring for it, no proper food, secure bedding area, heat lamp, or water for that matter . So, I got involved when the family basically abandoned it when I showed interest. After nursing it for 48 hours non-stop, it turned a corner. So, I’ve had it in my care for approximately 7 weeks. It had a slow start and I did a crash course in duck rearing. Although, I am quite taken with it and have been a mother to it non stop this entire time, I would love to find someone that wants to care for this super sweet and really too human friendly baby. I see so many people wanting to get a more human friendly duck, and this is just that. I worry that it is too human friendly . So, I’m really concerned about how to find a great home for it. I am also concerned that I have fed to high protein diet as I have been using Manna Pro ducking starter 20% protein and separate additional fresh veggies. I fear that he my be developing Angel wing on the left side. I am trying to get a more information on how to correct the problem and see an aviary vet. I just realized today that I think there is an issue with the wing.
I had initially thought of getting a second one, so as not to raise it alone, but decided against getting two more as they are only sold in pairs in California. Any helpful advice will be appreciated. This is such a wonderful little creature. I just want what is best for him. Home loves my human company. Thank you and best to everyone!


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Hi, I’m fairly new to BYC as I recently got charge of a single baby duckling after my neighbors puppy killed one of the pair. My heart went out to this little one as this family didn’t seem to have a good plan for caring for it, no proper food, secure bedding area, heat lamp, or water for that matter . So, I got involved when the family basically abandoned it when I showed interest. After nursing it for 48 hours non-stop, it turned a corner. So, I’ve had it in my care for approximately 7 weeks. It had a slow start and I did a crash course in duck rearing. Although, I am quite taken with it and have been a mother to it non stop this entire time, I would love to find someone that wants to care for this super sweet and really too human friendly baby. I see so many people wanting to get a more human friendly duck, and this is just that. I worry that it is too human friendly . So, I’m really concerned about how to find a great home for it. I am also concerned that I have fed to high protein diet as I have been using Manna Pro ducking starter 20% protein and separate additional fresh veggies. I fear that he my be developing Angel wing on the left side. I am trying to get a more information on how to correct the problem and see an aviary vet. I just realized today that I think there is an issue with the wing.
I had initially thought of getting a second one, so as not to raise it alone, but decided against getting two more as they are only sold in pairs in California. Any helpful advice will be appreciated. This is such a wonderful little creature. I just want what is best for him. Home loves my human company. Thank you and best to everyone
Well done rescuing this little one. I think you have flight feathers growign in, not angel wing. If it is angel wing it is not caused by Mana Pro. I don't believe that it is too much protein that causes angel wing -- there is no good evidence for that although it is a widely held theory. Don't blame yourself based on non-evidence based theories.

My first duck, a muscovy, was a rescue that needed resucitating and was very bonded to me [not imprinted -- I got him at 3 day's old]. I was unable to find any duck raiser within a reasonable distance of me that had ducklings of similar age. I was worried about him being too human-friendly [he was following me around in the garden and even when I viisted friends, coming and following me round their gardens.] But then I contacted a local wildlife rehabber and she had ducklings -- a muscovy of similar age and a pekin of similar size but 3 months olded -- that I took in. Three boys. You might contact your local wildlife rehabber as you might well be able to get a companion duck for your duckling so that you can keep it.

I now have a rehomed drake that took a couple of months to settle in, but is definitely "at home" with me and my ducks. I recently rescued 2 pekin drakes that were in very poor shape abandoned and hanging out in a builder's yard. They are coming to the end of 3 weeks quarantine in my Florida Room and on Sunday will be moved -- after a lot of rearranging in my coop -- to sleep in the coop each in their own dog crate. I prefer to find them two good new homes but they will have to stay and integrate with my boys if I cannot find them each a new home. My original rescue muscovy -- Daffy -- is a great big boy now. He is the alpha male but he still prefers human company to keeping his place atop the pecking order.

My son, who originally had three pekins from Tractor Supply, has this year taken in a rescued female muscovy from a rehabber. She took less than 2 weeks to settle in and become close buddy with his pekins. Taking in a rescued duck from a rehabber, not only gives a companion to your own duck but also releases space for the rehabber, allowing more ducks to be rescued and cared for.
Well done rescuing this little one. I think you have flight feathers growign in, not angel wing. If it is angel wing it is not caused by Mana Pro. I don't believe that it is too much protein that causes angel wing -- there is no good evidence for that although it is a widely held theory. Don't blame yourself based on non-evidence based theories.

My first duck, a muscovy, was a rescue that needed resucitating and was very bonded to me [not imprinted -- I got him at 3 day's old]. I was unable to find any duck raiser within a reasonable distance of me that had ducklings of similar age. I was worried about him being too human-friendly [he was following me around in the garden and even when I viisted friends, coming and following me round their gardens.] But then I contacted a local wildlife rehabber and she had ducklings -- a muscovy of similar age and a pekin of similar size but 3 months olded -- that I took in. Three boys. You might contact your local wildlife rehabber as you might well be able to get a companion duck for your duckling so that you can keep it.

I now have a rehomed drake that took a couple of months to settle in, but is definitely "at home" with me and my ducks. I recently rescued 2 pekin drakes that were in very poor shape abandoned and hanging out in a builder's yard. They are coming to the end of 3 weeks quarantine in my Florida Room and on Sunday will be moved -- after a lot of rearranging in my coop -- to sleep in the coop each in their own dog crate. I prefer to find them two good new homes but they will have to stay and integrate with my boys if I cannot find them each a new home. My original rescue muscovy -- Daffy -- is a great big boy now. He is the alpha male but he still prefers human company to keeping his place atop the pecking order.

My son, who originally had three pekins from Tractor Supply, has this year taken in a rescued female muscovy from a rehabber. She took less than 2 weeks to settle in and become close buddy with his pekins. Taking in a rescued duck from a rehabber, not only gives a companion to your own duck but also releases space for the rehabber, allowing more ducks to be rescued and cared for.
Thanks for the information and advice. If I had proper space and a landlord that would allow me to keep him I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m currently dealing with my mothers sudden death lately and just found out one of my 12 year old Ragdoll cats have stage 3 renal disease. It came in suddenly after an acute infection . I feel like I’m kind of drowning in responsibility at this point . I just couldn’t turn a blind eye and let this sweet little animal be dragged around until he died . No I feel super guilty for possibly letting him an Angel wing. Why do they even sell 20% feed from Mana pro if it my injur the animal? I hope it is just early feather growth looking odd. I can’t help but have a bad feeling. Only the left one is turning out. I really hope I can find a great place for him.
Thanks for the information and advice. If I had proper space and a landlord that would allow me to keep him I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m currently dealing with my mothers sudden death lately and just found out one of my 12 year old Ragdoll cats have stage 3 renal disease. It came in suddenly after an acute infection . I feel like I’m kind of drowning in responsibility at this point . I just couldn’t turn a blind eye and let this sweet little animal be dragged around until he died . No I feel super guilty for possibly letting him an Angel wing. Why do they even sell 20% feed from Mana pro if it my injur the animal? I hope it is just early feather growth looking odd. I can’t help but have a bad feeling. Only the left one is turning out. I really hope I can find a great place for him.
Oh, the reason I was worried it Angel wing is because one looks quite different from the other .
Thanks for the information and advice. If I had proper space and a landlord that would allow me to keep him I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m currently dealing with my mothers sudden death lately and just found out one of my 12 year old Ragdoll cats have stage 3 renal disease. It came in suddenly after an acute infection . I feel like I’m kind of drowning in responsibility at this point . I just couldn’t turn a blind eye and let this sweet little animal be dragged around until he died . No I feel super guilty for possibly letting him an Angel wing. Why do they even sell 20% feed from Mana pro if it my injur the animal? I hope it is just early feather growth looking odd. I can’t help but have a bad feeling. Only the left one is turning out. I really hope I can find a great place for him.
I am sorry that you are so overwhelmed -- and that we can't help you with that. But we can and must dispel your feeling of guilt about the not yet confirmed angel wing. Mana PRo and its 20% protein is excellent for new ducklings. My son raised his ducklings on 20% protein crumbles and we didn't swap them over to lower protein adult duck food until the 2nd bag was finished -- it might have been at 6 ot 7 weeks, we were not counting. Similarly, I raised my muscovy duckling on 20% protein crumbles and he finished the bag. Small ducklings need that higher protein as they are growing so fast.

Your duck needed 20% protein and can now safely swap over to lower levels of protein as most of his growing has happened.

You fed your duckling appropriately; you loved him and saved him from inappropriate care. There is no evidence that dietary protein causes angel wing -- it's an old wives tale. Just because some folks believe that, doesn't mean its so.

As you need to rehome this boy, you might ask your local rehabber, your Humane Society and your local chapter of ASPCA as any or all of them may have networks that include local duck keepers. Some ASPCA arrange duck adoptions [as I think do some Humane Societies]

Take energy from knowing you did such a kind act taking in your duckling, loving and fostering him. My condolences on losing your mother -- mine is 92 and in full health, but I lost my father suddenly and unexpectedly when he was 75. I understand how at a loss one feels when one loses a parent -- particularly unexpectedly. You have your fond memories of the good times with your mother. Take heart that those memories will become more important and bring happiness as time goes on for you and your family.

Sending you cyber hugs xoxox
What causes angel wing? I have extensively searched the literature and I have found no evidence from any source that a diet too high in protein causes the problem. Actually the only evidence I have found -- epidemiological evidence -- is that the condition occurs more commonly in ducks and geese living in parks where humans feed the ducks bread. This is quite the opposite from a high protein diet as the cause. Water fowl that are fed bread, "junk food", have a diet that is too high in carbohydrate and calories while being empty of vital minerals such as calcium and manganese, and low in protein. This is not causal evidence but is certainly evidence. I cannot find one research paper that provides evidence that the problem is excess protein in the diet.
I am sorry that you are so overwhelmed -- and that we can't help you with that. But we can and must dispel your feeling of guilt about the not yet confirmed angel wing. Mana PRo and its 20% protein is excellent for new ducklings. My son raised his ducklings on 20% protein crumbles and we didn't swap them over to lower protein adult duck food until the 2nd bag was finished -- it might have been at 6 ot 7 weeks, we were not counting. Similarly, I raised my muscovy duckling on 20% protein crumbles and he finished the bag. Small ducklings need that higher protein as they are growing so fast.

Your duck needed 20% protein and can now safely swap over to lower levels of protein as most of his growing has happened.

You fed your duckling appropriately; you loved him and saved him from inappropriate care. There is no evidence that dietary protein causes angel wing -- it's an old wives tale. Just because some folks believe that, doesn't mean its so.

As you need to rehome this boy, you might ask your local rehabber, your Humane Society and your local chapter of ASPCA as any or all of them may have networks that include local duck keepers. Some ASPCA arrange duck adoptions [as I think do some Humane Societies]

Take energy from knowing you did such a kind act taking in your duckling, loving and fostering him. My condolences on losing your mother -- mine is 92 and in full health, but I lost my father suddenly and unexpectedly when he was 75. I understand how at a loss one feels when one loses a parent -- particularly unexpectedly. You have your fond memories of the good times with your mother. Take heart that those memories will become more important and bring happiness as time goes on for you and your family.

Sending you cyber hugs xoxox
Thank you for the information and the kind words, I was just literally in tears as writing to BYC today. I have loved caring for my newest edition and I’m not exactly sure what our future holds as far as keeping our little duck. I do know that I’m reaching out to an avian vet tomorrow to check on the wing and I will continue to love and care for Foie ( that’s the ducklings name, I hope you guys have a sense of humor ) until I find something better for him. My lease is up and I’m contemplating moving to a more rural are, outside of the city limits.
It has only been a short, short time since I lost my mom and taking care of Foie definitely made me feel really good! So, don’t worry I will do what is right by him. I call Foie a him, but I’m not really sure of his gender. I have put out some feelers at a couple of feed stores and one of the owners has asked me about him today. He keeps chickens and has a small farm setting as I understand . So, that could be a possibility . Thank you again for helping me feel good once more about helping him. I adore him and want what is best for him. At this point that is me. I am his mom. He calls to me if I’m out of sight. The concept of getting ducks for children at Easter is a terrible practice in my opinion. Even after getting him from my neighbors family, the young mother who he came from turned around and got another older Juvenile duck. She was planning on abandoning at a nearby “duck pond” within a week or so. I sent her some information from a sight I found called “” I was hoping to help her understand how irresponsible she had need by reading a third parties advice . I was told she found a responsible person to take this third duck. So, that was a great relief . All my best to you-Shadee

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