Duckling Embryo Missing! Please help


Mar 30, 2022
Help! I got some Chicken eggs from my friend and her husband ( I'm under 18 ) because they know that I have 30+ ducks and 1 goose. I've hatched my ducks before and this was going to be my first time hatching chickens. So far everyone has been in the incubator for 1 week and 3 days. I had a testing egg from my ducks to check the temperature to make sure it was perfect for the chickens and it started to develop. The last duck I hatched was for my dad on Fathers day, she was named Butters, shes a cross of my female Rouen and my male Magpie. ( she's the darker duck in my PF picture, not the Pekin. you can also see her moms body, dad, and her off to the side on my profile Banner/ background.) She loves my goose, Jacque Goousteau. So this time, I wanted to name the baby Margarine. I checked yesterday morning and he was fine so last night I went to check if everything was developing smoothly, and I couldn't find him. I could only see the veins. He was positioned by the air sack and I tried looking for him and he was pretty prominent before. I could see his eyes and little body structure. I tried moving the egg a little bit and where he was, the couple of veins that were there were moving but I couldn't see him. I woke my mom up and I was about to cry when I was telling her.. I did everything correct like the humidity levels, temperature, position of the egg, candling, the egg washing and preparing, everything. I don't think I saw a blood ring because when I was looking at someone else's post on here, everyone was saying they were healthy. Plus, I have chicken eggs with blood rings and that's not it and I've had experience with hatching poultry. When I get home I'll try and take a picture of him. I took a picture of him the other day and I'll send one of him today...

The Other Day:
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I would give it a day or two, and check again.

I can't figure out how an embryo would disappear but leave the veins present, unless it's sitting on the other side of the yolk or something else is blocking your view a bit.

But it must be either alive or dead. If it's alive, you just need to keep incubating it, and it should be fine. (Don't panic and break the egg open to see what is inside.) If it's dead, a few days will make that easier to figure out.

Even if you do everything right, some embryos may still die-- but I'm guessing this one is probably still alive, just somehow not in sight.
Help! I got some Chicken eggs from my friend and her husband ( I'm under 18 ) because they know that I have 30+ ducks and 1 goose. Iv'e hatched my duck before and this was going to be my first time hatching chickens. So far everyone has been in the incubator for 1 week and 3 days. I had a testing egg from y ducks to check the temperature to make sure it was perfect for the chickens and it started to develop. The last duck I hatched was for my dad on Fathers day, she was named Butters and she loves my goose, Jacque Goousteau. So this time, I wanted to name the baby Margarine. I checked yesterday morning and he was fine so last night I went to check if everything was developing smoothly, and I couldn't find him. I could only see the veins. He was positioned by the air sack and I tried looking for him and he was pretty prominent. I tried moving the egg a little bit and where he was, the couple of veins that were there were moving but I couldn't see him. I woke my mom up and I was about to cry when I was telling her.. I did everything correct like the humidity levels, temperature, position of the egg, candling, the egg washing and preparing, everything. I don't think I saw a blood ring because when I was looking at someone else's post on here, everyone was saying they were healthy. Plus, I have chicken eggs with blood rings and that's not it. When I get home I'll try and take a picture of him. I took a picture of him the other day and I'll send one of him today...
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If you're seeing veins, he's still alive. Usually when they're around 12 days old you won't be able to see the actual embryo, he'll be in the middle and not on the edge of the egg where he's visible. So don't worry, he's just fine.
What kind of incubator are you using? And did you calibrate a separate thermometer to keep inside so you can be sure the temp is correct?
I would give it a day or two, and check again.

I can't figure out how an embryo would disappear but leave the veins present, unless it's sitting on the other side of the yolk or something else is blocking your view a bit.

But it must be either alive or dead. If it's alive, you just need to keep incubating it, and it should be fine. (Don't panic and break the egg open to see what is inside.) If it's dead, a few days will make that easier to figure out.

Even if you do everything right, some embryos may still die-- but I'm guessing this one is probably still alive, just somehow not in sight.
Thank you! Makes me feel less nervous
Welcome to BYC!
If you're seeing veins, he's still alive. Usually when they're around 12 days old you won't be able to see the actual embryo, he'll be in the middle and not on the edge of the egg where he's visible. So don't worry, he's just fine.
What kind of incubator are you using? And did you calibrate a separate thermometer to keep inside so you can be sure the temp is correct?
I have a chicken incubator and I'm not sure if the brand because it's years old. I have a thermometer yes. It is correct for them

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