Duckling hatching upside down *URGENT*

I would beware of the paper towels you have them on because I know in chicken chicks it can cause splay leg, and another thing I don't know if you know but ducks can't have medicated chick starter or unmedicated it can't have the medicated because amprolium is a thiamin blocker which is how it kills cocci but not only do ducks need the thiamin but amprolium is toxic to ducks, and unmedicated simply doesn't have enough protein, but dog food and frozen peas are good to feed them when they are little. Didn't know if you knew any of it but it is worth repeating.
Medicated feed doesn't hurt my ducklings. I use the same medicated feed that I feed my chicks. And have done so for many, many years. And I've never had any trouble.
it depends upon the dosage in the feed too, different brands put in different amounts, but you may also be giving them something else with their feed (treat) or just giving them only chick feed there are many variables to that.
more than likely, because I have noticed the difference between purina and country lane, I use whatever they have on hand at the feed store at the time, but there is a marked diff.

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