Duckling Identification Help


Mar 13, 2019
I live on a golf course pond with (many varieties of ducks)and while fishing walked upon a duck nest most of the eggs were cracked or damaged so i collected the remaining two eggs and placed them in an incubator. this one hatched first (yesterday at around 11) and i was curious about which type of duck this cute little duckling may be? i thought initially they were mallard eggs (took 26 days to hatch and looked like it) but this duckling doesn’t have the stripe on the eye
Yeah, I think it looks like one too, but not exactly. These are my kackis(solid brownish ones.. I swear we cleaned the brooder only just last night... messy little goblins)

Thanks for saving the eggs. You are in for a treat raising them. Ducks and ducklings are my absolute favorite in the entire world. So so so so so messy, but just the cutest and the sweetest. Be prepared to have your heart claimed by a duck or two! :D

They're almost certainly mixes, probably with a wild Mallard, but maybe not. I was thinking Swedish/Mallard mixes, maybe; a few of my Rouen/Swedish crosses looked like that as ducklings.

If you could get pictures of the ducks on the pond, that would really help. But there's not going to be any way to really tell until they've feathered, and maybe not even then.

Have fun, and welcome to BYC.
Khaki ducklings can have yellow bibs on their down, some even have rings around their necks (which looks like yours does)Could be a swedish or pekin mix but I personally think yours looks pure, most mallard mixes will usually have a distinctive eyeline on their down, my guess is that someone had a pair of khaki Campbells and decided they didn't want them anymore and dumped them at Some pond, and you happened to stumble across where the hen was laying. Doesn't really matter what variety they are, they're adorable either way~
View attachment 1700276 View attachment 1700262 View attachment 1700263 I live on a golf course pond with (many varieties of ducks)and while fishing walked upon a duck nest most of the eggs were cracked or damaged so i collected the remaining two eggs and placed them in an incubator. this one hatched first (yesterday at around 11) and i was curious about which type of duck this cute little duckling may be? i thought initially they were mallard eggs (took 26 days to hatch and looked like it) but this duckling doesn’t have the stripe on the eye
Looks like it could be a gosling.

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