Duckling out of the brooder/ add to flock?


9 Years
Oct 31, 2010
On the side of a knoll...
I have a Khaki Campbell duckling and was wondering at what age I should add her to the flock? We have chickens and 3 ducks.

I would have to check back and see how old she is but she still has her baby feathers. She sure is growing though!

I would wait until she gets some adult feathers, or until she is at least close in size to the other birds. Hopefully, by that point, she won't get picked on.
Yea, I was thinking once she got a little bigger and has at least some adult feathers. Right now I let her out during the day while I'm feeding everyone. They all just look at her and cock their heads, LOL. The adult ducks look at her a little curious, or like "Oh, is it one of us?" But with the chickens, if left unattended they most likely would, eventually, peck at her.

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