Duckling Question


12 Years
Aug 22, 2007
My duckling is perfectly healthy. Eats, drinks, chirps, and lovse to snuggle with me, BUT he always seems to have water all over his nose. Is this normal for ducklings? Thanks
Sounds normal to me. I'd only be worried if it had runny "nostrils." Maybe s/he wants to take a bath? If you are careful and keep the little one warm afterwards, you could let it loose in a sink or bathtub. (Just keep an eye on it and take it out before it gets tired.) Then you'll really have a fun time!
It is actually WATER coming from his nostrils. He is allowed to swim every day and loves it. It isn't, for lack of a better word...snot. it is more like water. Doesn't seem to bother him, though.
I dont know. I ordered a male and a female but one died in shipping. I'm looking for a companion for him right now. I named him/her Poet because I love poetry! It works for meh
I'm curious where you were able to purchase just two ducklings. I'm trying to order a small flock and can't find anyone who will sell me less than 15.


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Great name. Hope you find him a buddy soon. I'm hoping to find two ducklings at our local stores when they get their chicks. I know of two places that will have them in a few weeks. I just hope they have what I want when I am able to get there.

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